Schedules 4 and 6
repeal, insert
sections 8(a), 16(5), definition
"attachment", 59(1) and (2), 60,
102(2)(c)(i) and 128A(17),
definition defective
1 A motor vehicle or trailer must be structurally sound and designed and constructed to operate safely on a public street.
2 All brake and steerage connections must be secured with fasteners that are tensioned sufficiently to operate safely and any secondary locking mechanisms must be in use.
3 (1) This clause applies to a motor vehicle or trailer if none of the requirements of the Australian Design Rules regarding number plates or registration plates apply to it.
(2) A suitable attachment must be securely fastened at the front and rear of a motor vehicle, other than a motor cycle, and at the rear of a motor cycle or trailer, in a location that enables number plates to be affixed to the motor vehicle or trailer in accordance with the requirements of third edition ADR 43/00.
(3) No part of a vehicle, or fitting to the vehicle, may be located in a place that would obscure any portion of a number plate affixed to the vehicle.
4 (1) Subclause (2) applies to a motor cycle if none of the requirements of the Australian Design Rules regarding the attachment of a side-car apply to it.
(2) A side-car must not be attached to the right-hand side of the motor cycle.