Except as otherwise provided for by this Act or the rules, the court, commission or registrar may—
(a) at or before a hearing, take steps to find out whether all persons who are to be bound by a decision to be made in proceedings have been called to attend or given notice of, the proceedings; and
(b) direct, for proceedings—(i) who the parties to the proceedings are; and(ii) by whom the parties may be represented; and(iii) persons to be called to attend the proceedings, if the persons have not been called and it appears the persons should attend the proceedings; and(iv) parties to be joined or struck out; and(v) who may be heard and on what conditions; and
(c) hear and decide an industrial cause in the way that appears best suited for the purpose; and
(d) allow claims in the proceedings to be amended on terms that appear fair and just; and
(e) correct, amend or waive an error, defect or irregularity in the proceedings, whether substantive or formal; and
(f) give directions under a decision that the court, commission or registrar considers necessary for, or conducive and appropriate to, the effective implementation of the decision; and
(g) hear and decide an industrial cause in the absence of a party, or person who has been called to attend or served with a notice to appear, at the proceedings; and
(h) sit at any time and in any place for hearing and deciding an industrial cause, and adjourn a sitting to any time and place; and
(i) refer technical matters, accounting matters, or matters involving expert knowledge to an expert, and admit the expert’s report in evidence; and
(j) extend a prescribed or stated time, before or after expiry of the time; and
(k) waive compliance with the rules.