The repeal of the following sections is limited in the following way—
(a) the Real Property Act 1877, section 11 continues to apply to a lease granted before this Act commenced;
(b) the Real Property Acts and Other Acts Amendment Act 1986, section 5 continues to apply to a bill of encumbrance and memorandum of transfer-and-charge registered or executed before this Act commenced;
(c) the Real Property Act 1861, sections 126 to 129 and section 135 continue to apply to claims for compensation for—(i) deprivation of an interest in a lot; and(ii) loss or damage caused by an error, breach of duty or wrongdoing by the registrar;that happened before this Act commenced;
(d) the Real Property Act 1861, section 119A continues to apply to plans mentioned in section 83A of this Act that were lodged or registered before this Act commenced.