(1) A person conducting a business or undertaking at a workplace must ensure that a placard is prominently displayed at the workplace if the total quantity of a schedule 11 hazardous chemical or group of schedule 11 hazardous chemicals stored at the workplace exceeds the placard quantity for the schedule 11 hazardous chemical or group of schedule 11 hazardous chemicals.Penalty—Maximum penalty—60 penalty units.
(2) A placard must comply with schedule 13 .
(3) This section does not apply to a schedule 11 hazardous chemical or group of schedule 11 hazardous chemicals if—(a) the schedule 11 hazardous chemical or group of schedule 11 hazardous chemicals is in bulk in a container, including an IBC, that is intended for transport and a placard is displayed on the container in accordance with the ADG Code; or(b) the schedule 11 hazardous chemical or group of schedule 11 hazardous chemicals is a flammable liquid stored in an underground tank at a retail outlet and used to refuel a vehicle.