(1) Each person appointed as a health executive must enter into a written contract of employment with the following—
(a) for a network health executive, other than the network chief executive—the network chief executive;
(b) for a health executive in the department—the chief executive;
(c) for a network chief executive—the chairperson of the governing council for the network.
(2) The contract of employment must state—
(a) the term, of not longer than 5 years, of the person's employment; and
(b) that, if the person's employment as a health executive continues to the end of the term, a further contract may be entered into under this section; and
(c) the person's functions; and
(d) that the person must meet any performance criteria stated in the contract; and
(e) the person's classification level, and the remuneration to which the person is entitled.
(3) A health executive may resign by written notice of resignation given, at least 1 month before the notice is to take effect, to the person with whom the health executive entered into the contract of employment.
(4) A health executive's appointment and contract of employment may be terminated by the network or department that appointed the health executive by written notice given to the health executive at least 1 month before it is to take effect.
(5) For subsection (4), the termination of the appointment and contract of employment of a network chief executive is not effective until it is approved by the Minister.