Chapter 14--
'(1) This section applies if, immediately before 1 July 2010--
(a) the owner of the Mount Isa-Cloncurry supply network provides customer connection services relating to the supply network; and
(b) the pricing regulation made by QCA, under the direction made by the Minister under section 89B(2) to regulate the pricing for the services, is still in force; and
(c) the Australian Energy Regulator has not made a distribution determination, within the meaning of the National Electricity Rules, for the supply network for the relevant regulatory control period.
See the Electricity--National Scheme (Queensland) Act 1997, section 10 (Economic regulation of Mount Isa-Cloncurry supply network from 1 July 2010).
'(2) The pricing regulation is taken to be a jurisdictional pricing determination under the National Electricity Rules, clause 11.14.2 for the services.
'(3) For applying the National Electricity Rules--
(a) the services are taken to be distribution services for the National Electricity Rules; and
(b) the Mount Isa-Cloncurry supply network is taken to be a distribution system.
'(4) The National Electricity Rules apply with any necessary changes to give effect to this section.
'(5) In this section--
amending Act means the Mines and Energy Legislation Amendment Act 2009.
Mount Isa-Cloncurry supply network--
(a) means the supply network, other than the 220kV supply network--
(i) located in the Mount Isa-Cloncurry region; and
(ii) owned by Ergon Energy immediately before the date of assent for the amending Act; and
(iii) not connected to the national grid; and
(b) includes any increase in the supply network after the date of assent for the amending Act.
relevant regulatory control period means the regulatory control period, within the meaning of the National Electricity Rules, starting on 1 July 2010.'.