Queensland Numbered Acts

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           Part 1--Preliminary
   1.      Short title
   2.      Commencement
           Part 2--Amendment of Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999
   3.      Act amended
   4.      Amendment of s 6 (Objects of Act)
   5.      Amendment of s 7 (How objects are to be achieved)
   6.      Insertion of new pt 5A
   7.      Amendment of s 77 (Annual report)
   8.      Amendment of s 78 (Membership of council)
   9.      Amendment of s 255 (Proceedings for offences)
   10.     Amendment of s 257 (Limitation on time for starting proceedings)
   11.     Insertion of new ss 275AA and 275AB
           12. Amendment of s 276 (Protection from liability)
   13.     Amendment of sch 3 (Dictionary)
           Part 3--Amendment of Electricity Act 1994
   14.     Act amended
   15.     Omission of ch 4, pt 2, div 1 (Provisions for Mount Isa-Cloncurry supply network)
   16.     Amendment of s 130 (Governor in Council may authorise regulator to take over operation of relevant operations)
   17.     Amendment of s 135AJ (Who are the baseline customers of a power station)
   18.     Amendment of s 135D (Information notice about decision)
   19.     Amendment of s 135DD (Adjustment for other customer transfers)
   20.     Amendment of s 135FR (Operation of sdiv 1)
   21.     Amendment of s 135FS (Retailer)
           22. Amendment of s 135FT (Special approval holder)
   23.     Amendment of s 135FW (Wholesale purchaser from spot market)
   24.     Amendment of s 135JU (Obligation of State to indemnify particular information-givers)
   25.     Insertion of new ch 14, pt 9
   26.     Amendment of sch 5 (Dictionary)
           Part 4 Amendment of Electricity--National Scheme (Queensland) Act 1997
   27.     Act amended
   28.     Amendment of s 3 (Definitions)
           29. Insertion of new pt 3
           Part 5--Amendment of Explosives Act 1999
   30.     Act amended
   31.     Replacement of s 118 (Proceeding for offence)
   32.     Insertion of new ss 126A and 126B
           33. Amendment of s 127 (Protection from liability)
   34.     Amendment of sch 2 (Dictionary)
           Part 6--Amendment of Gas Supply Act 2003
   35.     Act amended
   36.     Amendment of s 3 (Main purposes of Act)
   37.     Amendment of s 57 (Conditions for amendment, cancellation or suspension)
   38.     Amendment of s 181 (Conditions for amendment, cancellation or suspension)
   39.     Amendment of s 204 (Standard retail contract for particular small customers)
   40.     Amendment of s 207 (Ending of standard retail contract)
   41.     Amendment of s 248 (Regulation may provide for scheme)
   42.     Amendment of s 254 (Minister's power to give directions while declaration in force)
   43.     Omission of ch 4A (Gas retail market operator)
   44.     Amendment of s 270B (Specific matters for which code may provide)
   45.     Insertion of new s 289A
           46. Amendment of s 315 (Protection from civil liability for particular persons)
   47.     Omission of s 321A (Delegation by QCA)
   48.     Amendment of s 323 (Regulation-making power)
   49.     Replacement of ch 7 hdg (Transitional provisions for Electricity and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2006)
   50.     Amendment of s 324 (Definitions for ch 7)
   51.     Insertion of new ch 7, pt 2
   52.     Amendment of sch 2 (Dictionary)
           Part 7--Amendment of Mineral Resources Act 1989
   53.     Act amended
   54.     Amendment of s 248 (Applicant must obtain consent or views of existing authority holders)
   55.     Amendment of s 249 (Later applicant must obtain consent or views of earlier applicant if same land affected)
   56.     Amendment of s 269 (Land Court's recommendation on hearing)
   57.     Amendment of s 286 (Application for renewal of mining lease)
   58.     Amendment of s 290 (Rental payable on mining lease)
   59.     Amendment of s 294 (Variation of conditions of mining lease)
   60.     Amendment of s 695 (Applying div 4 for renewal)
           Part 8--Amendment of Mining and Quarrying Safety and Health Act 1999
   61.     Act amended
   62.     Amendment of s 68 (Annual report)
   63.     Amendment of s 69 (Membership of council)
   64.     Amendment of s 234 (Proceedings for offences)
   65.     Amendment of s 235 (Recommendation to prosecute)
   66.     Amendment of s 236 (Limitation on time for starting proceedings)
   67.     Insertion of new ss 254A and 254B
           68. Amendment of s 256 (Protection from liability)
   69.     Amendment of sch 2 (Dictionary)
           Part 9--Amendment of Petroleum Act 1923
   70.     Act amended
   71.     Amendment of s 121 (Additional information may be required about application)
           Part 10--Amendment of Petroleum And Gas (Production And Safety) Act 2004
   72.     Act amended
   73.     Amendment of s 35 (Call for tenders)
   74.     Amendment of s 37 (Requirements for making tender)
   75.     Amendment of s 109 (Exploration, production and storage activities)
   76.     Amendment of s 110 (Petroleum pipeline and water pipeline construction and operation)
   77.     Amendment of s 121 (Requirements for grant)
   78.     Amendment of s 228 (Prohibition on actions preventing access)
   79.     Amendment of s 401 (Construction and operation of pipeline)
   80.     Insertion of new ch 9, pt 4A
   81.     Amendment of s 800 (Restriction on petroleum tenure activities)
   82.     Amendment of s 837 (Offences under Act are summary)
   83.     Amendment of s 843 (Additional information may be required about application)
   84.     Amendment of s 856 (Protection from liability for particular persons)
   85.     Amendment of s 910 (Renewal application provisions apply for making and deciding grant application)
   86.     Amendment of sch 2 (Dictionary)

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