(1) Schedule 6 —
"associate" , of a law practice for chapter 6B, see the Legal Profession Act 2007 , section 7(1).
"associated person" , of an investigated person, see section 532L.
"claim" —(a) for chapter 6B, see section 325E; and(b) for chapter 12, part 1A—see section 532L.
"investigated person" see section 532L.
"investigator" see section 532L.
"law practice" , for chapter 6B, see the Legal Profession Act 2007 , schedule 2.
"law practice certificate" see section 325F.
"supervising principal" , for chapter 6B, see section 325E.
(2) Schedule 6 , definition claimant —
insert—(c) for chapter 6B and chapter 12, part 1A—means a person mentioned in paragraph (a) or (b).
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