Part 5 , division 2 —
56 Renumbering of Act(1) On the commencement of this section, the provisions of this Act are amended by numbering and renumbering the provisions in the same way as a reprint may be numbered and renumbered under the Reprints Act 1992 , section 43.(2) The numbering and renumbering under subsection (1) is to allocate a number to each section inserted by a later amendment as if that later amendment had commenced.(3) Each reference to a provision of this Act in any of the following Acts is amended, when the renumbering under subsection (1) happens, by omitting the reference to the provision and inserting a reference to the provision as renumbered—(a) this Act;(b) the Forestry Act 1959 , section 62A(4), definition
"smoking product" ;(c) the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 , sections 42, 43 and 60(3)(i);(d) the Recreation Areas Management Act 2006 , section 115(5), definition
"smoking product" .(4) A reference to a provision of this Act, in a later amendment, is taken to be a reference to the provision as renumbered under subsection (1).(5) If a later amendment inserts a section into this Act, when inserted, the number of the section is amended by renumbering it with the number allocated to it under subsection (2).(6) Each reference to a provision of this Act in a provision or words inserted into this Act by a later amendment is amended, when inserted, by omitting the reference to the provision and inserting a reference to the provision as renumbered under subsection (1).(7) This section does not limit the Reprints Act 1992 .(8) This section expires on 2 September 2024.(9) In this section—
"amending Act" means the Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Amendment Act 2023 .
"later amendment" means a provision of the amending Act that commences after 1 September 2023.