After section 42A--
'(1) The chief executive may, by public notice, amend the service contract area or route the subject of a declaration under section 42.
'(2) However, the amendment may be made only if the chief executive is satisfied the amendment is necessary--
(a) to extend the service into developing areas; or
(b) because of changed traffic conditions; or
(c) for public safety; or
(d) to improve the service in the public interest.
'(3) The public notice must fix the day on which the amendment takes effect.
'(4) Before deciding to make the amendment, the chief executive must--
(a) give written notice of the proposed amendment to each affected operator; and
(b) allow each affected operator at least 28 days to make written submissions to the chief executive about the proposed amendment; and
(c) consider any submissions made under paragraph (b).
'(5) In this section--
affected operator means--
(a) each holder of a service contract for the service contract area or route whose interests are materially affected by the proposed amendment; and
(b) if the amendment is to add an area or route--any operator providing a public passenger service of the kind specified in the declaration for the additional area or the additional route.'.