(1) Section 43(1), 'Translink'--
omit, insert--
(2) Section 43(1)(b)(ii)--
omit, insert--
'(ii) a written agreement with the chief executive; or
(iii) with the chief executive's approval, a written agreement with the holder of a service contract.'.
(3) Section 43(2)--
renumber as section 43(3).
(4) Section 43--
'(2) A written agreement with the chief executive mentioned in subsection (1)(b)(ii) may be made only if--
(a) the chief executive has invited a service contract holder for the service contract area or route to offer to provide the public passenger service and the holder--
(i) refused the invitation; or
(ii) makes an offer that, in the chief executive's opinion, is not appropriate for the public passenger service; or
(iii) did not respond to the invitation within the time allowed for a response to it; or
(b) the public passenger service is not a service of a kind to which an existing service contract applies.'.