(1) A person may start a proceeding for an enforcement order without notice to the other party.
(2) Without limiting the discretion of a District Court in the exercise of its equitable jurisdiction, it may, with or without conditions--
(a) grant the order for a limited period stated in the order; or
(b) grant the order until the trial of the proceeding; or
(c) grant an order for a limited period prohibiting a person from leaving Australia; or
(d) make another order.
Example of an injunction under subsection (2)(c)--
This order may be used if the departure of the person would render a proceeding useless, including, for example, because the person's departure would make it impossible to have an enforcement hearing in relation to a judgment against the person and so ascertain the location of the person's assets. Conditions imposed may, for example, relate to payment of an amount, or surrendering a passport, to the court.