South Australian Current Acts

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Schedule 1—Electronic Conveyancing National Law

Part 1—Preliminary

1—Short title

This Law may be cited as the Electronic Conveyancing National Law.


This Law commences in a participating jurisdiction as provided by the application law of that jurisdiction.


        (1)         In this Law:

application law means a law of a participating jurisdiction that—

            (a)         applies this Law, either with or without modifications, as a law of the participating jurisdiction; or

            (b)         is a corresponding law;

ARNECC means the Australian Registrars' National Electronic Conveyancing Council established by the Intergovernmental Agreement;

associated financial transaction means a transaction of a financial nature that is associated with a conveyancing transaction;


1         The payment of the purchase price for the sale and purchase of an interest in land.

2         The advancing of money in return for the granting of a mortgage or charge over an interest in land.

3         The payment of any tax, duty (for example, stamp duty), fee or charge payable in respect of the conveyancing transaction.

client authorisation has the meaning given in section 10;

compliance examination has the meaning given in section 33;

conveyancing transaction means a transaction that involves one or more parties and the purpose of which is—

            (a)         to create, transfer, dispose of, mortgage, charge, lease or deal with in any other way an estate or interest in land; or

            (b)         to get something registered, noted or recorded in the titles register; or

            (c)         to get the registration, note or record of something in the titles register changed, withdrawn or removed;

corresponding law

            (a)         means a law of a jurisdiction that corresponds to this Law; and

            (b)         includes a law of a jurisdiction that is prescribed by regulations made under a law of this jurisdiction as a corresponding law;

digital signature means encrypted electronic data intended for the exclusive use of a particular person as a means of identifying that person as the sender of an electronic communication or the signer of a document;

digitally sign , in relation to an electronic communication or a document means create a digital signature for the communication or document;

ELN means Electronic Lodgement Network—see section 13;

ELNO means Electronic Lodgement Network Operator—see section 15;

Intergovernmental Agreement means the Intergovernmental Agreement for a National Electronic Conveyancing Law between the State of New South Wales, the State of Victoria, the State of Queensland, the State of Western Australia, the State of South Australia, the State of Tasmania and the Northern Territory of Australia, that came into operation on 21 November 2011 and as in force from time to time;

jurisdiction means State;

land titles legislation , for the purposes of the application of this Law as a law of a participating jurisdiction, has the meaning given by the application law of the jurisdiction;

law , in relation to a Territory, means a law of, or in force in, that Territory;

law of this jurisdiction includes the principles and rules of common law and equity to the extent that they have effect in this jurisdiction from time to time;

lodge includes deposit, present and file;

operating requirements means the requirements determined under section 22;

participating jurisdiction means a jurisdiction that is a party to the Intergovernmental Agreement and in which—

            (a)         this Law applies as a law of the jurisdiction, either with or without modifications; or

            (b)         there is a corresponding law;

participation agreement , in relation to an ELN, means—

            (a)         if an ELNO provides and operates the ELN, an agreement between the ELNO and another person under which the other person is authorised to use that ELN; or

            (b)         if the Registrar provides and operates the ELN, an agreement between the Registrar and another person under which the other person is authorised to use that ELN;

participation rules means the rules determined under section 23;

Registrar , for the purposes of the application of this Law as a law of a participating jurisdiction, has the meaning given by the application law of the jurisdiction;

registry instrument , for the purposes of the application of this Law as a law of a participating jurisdiction, has the meaning given by the application law of the jurisdiction;

responsible tribunal , for the purposes of the application of this Law as a law of a participating jurisdiction, has the meaning given by the application law of the jurisdiction;

State includes a Territory;

subscriber means a person who is authorised under a participation agreement to use an ELN to complete conveyancing transactions on behalf of another person or on their own behalf;

Territory means the Australian Capital Territory or the Northern Territory of Australia;

titles register , for the purposes of the application of this Law as a law of a participating jurisdiction, has the meaning given by the application law of the jurisdiction.

        (2)         A term used in this Law or a statutory instrument and also in the land titles legislation has the same meaning in this Law or the statutory instrument as it has in that legislation, unless the term is defined in this Law or the statutory instrument or the context requires otherwise.

4—Interpretation generally

Schedule 1 applies in relation to this Law.

5—Object of this Law

        (1)         The object of this Law is to promote efficiency throughout Australia in property conveyancing by providing a common legal framework that—

            (a)         enables documents in electronic form to be lodged and processed under the land titles legislation of each participating jurisdiction; but

            (b)         does not derogate from the fundamental principles of the Torrens system of land title as incorporated in the land titles legislation of each participating jurisdiction, such as indefeasibility of title.

        (2)         In order to achieve this object, this Law, among other things, authorises the Registrar in each participating jurisdiction to operate or authorise the operation of an Electronic Lodgement Network, and provides for the making of rules relating to the operation of the Electronic Lodgement Network.

6—Law binds the State

        (1)         This Law binds the State.

        (2)         In this section—

State means the Crown in right of this jurisdiction, and includes—

            (a)         the Government of this jurisdiction; and

            (b)         a Minister of the Crown in right of this jurisdiction; and

            (c)         a statutory corporation, or other entity, representing the Crown in right of this jurisdiction.

Part 2—Electronic Conveyancing

Division 1—Electronic lodgement

7—Documents may be lodged electronically

        (1)         A document may be lodged electronically for the purposes of the land titles legislation if the document is lodged—

            (a)         in a form approved by the Registrar; and

            (b)         by means of an ELN provided and operated under this Law.

        (2)         An approval for the purposes of subsection (1)(a) may be given under the land titles legislation or in some other way that the Registrar considers appropriate.

8—Registrar to process documents lodged electronically

        (1)         If a document is lodged electronically in accordance with section 7, the Registrar must receive and process the document in accordance with the land titles legislation.

        (2)         This section does not limit or affect the need for the document to comply with the requirements of the land titles legislation, this Law or any other law of this jurisdiction.

9—Status of electronic registry instruments

        (1)         A registry instrument that is in a form in which it can be lodged electronically under section 7 has the same effect as if that instrument were in the form of a paper document.

        (2)         A registry instrument that is digitally signed by a subscriber in accordance with the participation rules applicable to that instrument has the same effect as if a paper document having the equivalent effect had been executed by—

            (a)         if the subscriber signs under a client authorisation, each person for whom the subscriber signs in accordance with the client authorisation; or

            (b)         the subscriber in any other case.

        (3)         If a registry instrument is digitally signed in accordance with the participation rules applicable to that instrument—

            (a)         the instrument is to be taken to be in writing for the purposes of every other law of this jurisdiction; and

            (b)         the requirements of any other law of this jurisdiction relating to the execution, signing, witnessing, attestation or sealing of documents must be regarded as having been fully satisfied.

Division 2—Client authorisations and digital signatures

Subdivision 1—Client authorisations

10—Client authorisations

        (1)         A client authorisation is a document—

            (a)         that is in the form required by the participation rules; and

            (b)         by which a party to a conveyancing transaction authorises a subscriber to do one or more things on that party's behalf in connection with the transaction so that the transaction, or part of the transaction, can be completed electronically.

        (2)         The following are examples of the things that a client authorisation may authorise a subscriber to do:

            (a)         to digitally sign registry instruments or other documents;

            (b)         to present registry instruments or other documents for lodgement electronically;

            (c)         to authorise or complete any associated financial transaction.

11—Effect of client authorisation

        (1)         A properly completed client authorisation—

            (a)         has effect according to its terms; and

            (b)         is not a power of attorney for the purposes of any other law of this jurisdiction relating to powers of attorney.

        (2)         If a client authorisation is properly completed, the requirements of any other law of this jurisdiction relating to the execution, signing, witnessing, attestation or sealing of documents must be regarded as having been fully satisfied.

        (3)         Subsections (1) and (2) do not limit or affect the application of any law of this jurisdiction relating to powers of attorney in relation to—

            (a)         the execution of a client authorisation under a power of attorney; or

            (b)         a client authorisation executed under a power of attorney.

Subdivision 2—Digital signatures

12—Reliance on, and repudiation of, digital signatures

        (1)         If a subscriber's digital signature is created for a registry instrument or other document in connection with a conveyancing transaction, then—

            (a)         unless that subscriber repudiates that digital signature, that registry instrument or other document is to be taken to be signed by that subscriber; and

            (b)         unless that subscriber repudiates that digital signature, that digital signature is binding, in relation to that registry instrument or other document, on—

                  (i)         the subscriber; and

                  (ii)         all other persons (if any) for whom that subscriber acts under a client authorisation with respect to that conveyancing transaction; and

            (c)         unless that subscriber repudiates that digital signature, that digital signature is binding, in relation to that registry instrument or other document, for the benefit of—

                  (i)         each of the parties to that conveyancing transaction; and

                  (ii)         each subscriber who acts under a client authorisation with respect to that conveyancing transaction; and

                  (iii)         any person claiming through or under any person to whom subparagraph (i) applies; and

                  (iv)         the Registrar, once that registry instrument or other document is lodged electronically in accordance with section 7; and

            (d)         that subscriber cannot repudiate that digital signature except in the circumstances set out in subsection (4).

        (2)         Subsection (1) applies regardless of—

            (a)         who created the subscriber's digital signature; and

            (b)         the circumstances (including fraud) in which the subscriber's digital signature was created.

        (3)         Subsection (1) does not prevent the unsigning of a registry instrument or other document.

        (4)         Despite subsections (1) and (2), a subscriber can repudiate the subscriber's digital signature with respect to a registry instrument or other document if the subscriber establishes—

            (a)         that the digital signature was not created by the subscriber; and

            (b)         that the digital signature was not created by a person who, at the time the subscriber's digital signature was created for the registry instrument or other document—

                  (i)         was an employee, agent, contractor or officer (however described) of the subscriber; and

                  (ii)         had the subscriber's express or implied authority to create the subscriber's digital signature for any document or documents; and

            (c)         that neither of the following enabled the subscriber's digital signature to be created for the registry instrument or other document:

                  (i)         a failure by the subscriber, or any of the subscriber's employees, agents, contractors or officers, to fully comply with the requirements of the participation rules;

                  (ii)         a failure by the subscriber, or any of the subscriber's employees, agents, contractors or officers, to take reasonable care.

        (5)         For the purposes of subsection (4)(b)(ii), it does not matter whether the authority was—

            (a)         general; or

            (b)         limited or restricted to documents of a particular class or to a particular document or in any other way.

Part 3—Electronic Lodgement Networks

Division 1—Preliminary

13—Electronic Lodgement Network

        (1)         An Electronic Lodgement Network ( ELN ) is an electronic system that enables the lodging of registry instruments and other documents in electronic form for the purposes of the land titles legislation.

        (2)         An ELN may also enable the preparation of registry instruments and other documents in electronic form for lodging under the land titles legislation.

Division 2—Operation of Electronic Lodgement Networks

14—Registrar may provide and operate ELN

The Registrar may provide and operate an ELN.

15—Registrar may approve ELNO to provide and operate ELN

        (1)         The Registrar may approve a person as an Electronic Lodgement Network Operator ( ELNO ) to provide and operate an ELN.

        (2)         The Registrar must not approve a person under this section unless the person meets the qualifications for approval set out in the operating requirements.

        (3)         An approval under this section must be in writing and must state the period for which it is to have effect.

        (4)         The Registrar may grant more than one approval under this section.

16—Conditions of approval as ELNO

        (1)         The Registrar may attach conditions to an approval under section 15, and those conditions must be specified in the approval.

        (2)         The Registrar may at any time, by notice in writing to the ELNO, vary or revoke the conditions attached to the approval of that ELNO or attach new or additional conditions.

17—Effect of approval as ELNO

        (1)         A person who is approved as an ELNO under section 15 may provide and operate an ELN—

            (a)         for the period stated in the approval; and

            (b)         subject to the conditions (if any) attached to the approval; and

            (c)         in accordance with the operating requirements.

        (2)         Subsection (1) is subject to sections 19 and 20.

        (3)         In performing functions as an ELNO, a person approved under section 15 is not and does not represent the State, and is not an agent of the State.

        (4)         The approval of a person as an ELNO does not restrict or prevent the provision, by that person, of services additional to those provided by the ELN.

        (5)         Subsection (4) is subject to the operating requirements.

18—ELNO required to comply with operating requirements

A person approved as an ELNO under section 15 must comply with the operating requirements.

19—Renewal of approval as ELNO

        (1)         The Registrar may renew an approval of a person as an ELNO under section 15 if the Registrar is satisfied that the person continues to meet the qualifications for approval set out in the operating requirements.

        (2)         The renewal of an approval under this section must be in writing and must state the period for which the renewal is to have effect.

        (3)         In renewing an approval, the Registrar may exercise the powers in section 16 to attach conditions to the approval or vary or revoke conditions attached to the approval.

20—Revocation or suspension of approval as ELNO

The Registrar may revoke or suspend the approval of a person as an ELNO in the circumstances set out in the operating requirements.

21—Monitoring of activities in ELN

        (1)         The Registrar may monitor activities in an ELN for any purpose, including (without limitation) for the purpose of maintaining the integrity of the titles register.

        (2)         This section does not limit Division 5.

Division 3—Operating requirements and participation rules

22—Operating requirements for ELNOs

        (1)         The Registrar may determine, in writing, requirements ( operating requirements ) relating to—

            (a)         the operation of an ELNO; and

            (b)         the provision and operation, by an ELNO, of an ELN.

        (2)         The operating requirements may (without limitation) include provisions relating to the following matters:

            (a)         the financial standing of an ELNO;

            (b)         compliance with the participation rules, including (without limitation)—

                  (i)         requiring an ELNO to use a participation agreement when authorising persons to use an ELN; and

                  (ii)         requiring participation agreements to incorporate the participation rules;

            (c)         the technical and operational requirements for an ELN;

            (d)         the insurance cover to be held by an ELNO;

            (e)         the circumstances in which the Registrar may suspend or revoke the approval of a person as an ELNO;

            (f)         the giving of directions to an ELNO by the Registrar, for example a direction to restrict, suspend or terminate a subscriber's or other person's use of an ELN.

23—Participation rules

        (1)         The Registrar may determine, in writing, rules relating to the use of an ELN ( participation rules ).

        (2)         The participation rules may (without limitation) include provisions relating to the following matters:

            (a)         the eligibility criteria for subscribers;

            (b)         the obligations of subscribers, including (without limitation) any representations or warranties they are required to give;

            (c)         the circumstances in which a subscriber’s authority to use the ELN may be restricted, suspended or terminated;

            (d)         client authorisations;

            (e)         the obligations of subscribers to verify the identity of their clients;

            (f)         the certification of registry instruments and other documents for use in connection with the ELN;

            (g)         digital signing;

            (h)         the retention of documents created or obtained in connection with a subscriber’s use of an ELN;

                  (i)         compliance by subscribers with the participation rules, including (without limitation) how subscribers demonstrate compliance with the rules, the procedures for notifying non-compliance and how non-compliance may be remedied.

24—Registrar to have regard to nationally agreed model operating requirements and participation rules

        (1)         In this section—

model provisions means any model operating requirements or model participation rules from time to time developed and published by ARNECC.

        (2)         In determining operating requirements and participation rules under this Law, and in determining changes to those requirements or rules, the Registrar must have regard to the desirability of maintaining consistency with any model provisions.

25—Publication of operating requirements and participation rules

        (1)         The Registrar must ensure that the following are publicly available:

            (a)         the current operating requirements and participation rules;

            (b)         all superseded versions of the operating requirements and participation rules.

        (2)         The operating requirements and participation rules, and any changes to either of them, must be made publicly available at least 20 business days before the operating requirements or participation rules or, as the case requires, the changes to them take effect.

        (3)         However, changes to the operating requirements or participation rules may take effect within a shorter period (including immediately on being made publicly available), if the Registrar is satisfied that the changes need to take effect urgently because an emergency situation exists.

        (4)         For the purposes of subsection (3), an emergency situation exists if the Registrar considers that, because of the occurrence of an event or the existence of particular circumstances, the operation, security, integrity or stability of an ELN or the titles register or the land titles system is being, or is likely to be, jeopardised.

        (5)         Documents may be made publicly available in accordance with this section in any manner the Registrar considers appropriate, including (without limitation) by means of a website.

        (6)         It is sufficient compliance with subsection (1)(b) if a superseded version of the operating requirements or participation rules (other than the most recently superseded version) is publicly available only on request made to the Registrar.

26—Subscribers required to comply with participation rules

        (1)         A subscriber who is authorised under a participation agreement to use an ELN must comply with the participation rules relating to that ELN.

        (2)         If a subscriber contravenes those participation rules, the Registrar may—

            (a)         if the Registrar operates the ELN, restrict, suspend or terminate the subscriber’s use of the ELN; or

            (b)         if an ELNO operates the ELN, direct the ELNO to restrict, suspend or terminate the subscriber’s use of the ELN.

        (3)         Subsection (2) does not limit or affect any right, power, authority or remedy that the Registrar or an ELNO has under the operating requirements, the participation rules, a participation agreement or any other law of this jurisdiction in relation to contravention of the participation rules.

27—Waiving compliance with operating requirements or participation rules

        (1)         The Registrar may waive compliance with all or any provisions of the operating requirements or participation rules if the Registrar is satisfied that granting the waiver is reasonable in all the circumstances.

        (2)         A waiver under this section may—

            (a)         be total or partial; and

            (b)         apply generally to all persons, or be limited in its application to particular persons or particular classes of persons; and

            (c)         apply generally or be limited in its application by reference to specified exceptions or factors; and

            (d)         apply indefinitely or for a specified period; and

            (e)         be unconditional or subject to conditions or restrictions.

Division 4—Appeals

28—Appeal against decisions of Registrar

        (1)         A person who is the subject of any of the following decisions (an appealable decision ) may require the Registrar to provide, in writing, the grounds for the decision:

            (a)         a decision by the Registrar to refuse to approve the person as an ELNO;

            (b)         a decision by the Registrar to refuse to renew the person’s approval as an ELNO;

            (c)         a decision by the Registrar to suspend the person’s approval as an ELNO;

            (d)         a decision by the Registrar to revoke the person’s approval as an ELNO;

            (e)         a decision by the Registrar to attach a condition to the person’s approval as an ELNO, or to vary or revoke a condition of the person’s approval as an ELNO, if the attachment, variation or revocation of the condition is done without the person’s agreement;

            (f)         a decision by the Registrar to restrict, suspend or terminate the person’s use, as a subscriber, of an ELN operated by the Registrar;

            (g)         a decision by the Registrar to direct an ELNO to restrict, suspend or terminate the person’s use, as a subscriber, of the ELN operated by the ELNO.

        (2)         A person who is the subject of an appealable decision and who has received written grounds for the decision from the Registrar under subsection (1) or otherwise may appeal against the decision to the responsible tribunal.

29—Determination of appeal

        (1)         After hearing the appeal, the responsible tribunal may—

            (a)         confirm the appealable decision; or

            (b)         amend the appealable decision; or

            (c)         substitute another decision for the appealable decision.

        (2)         In amending the appealable decision or substituting another decision for the appealable decision, the responsible tribunal has the same powers as the Registrar under this Law.


        (1)         The responsible tribunal may make any order about costs it considers appropriate for the proceedings under this Division.

        (2)         This section does not apply if the responsible tribunal has power under another law of this jurisdiction to make an order about costs for proceedings under this Division.

31—Relationship with Act establishing responsible tribunal

This Division—

            (a)         applies despite any provision to the contrary of the Act that establishes or continues the responsible tribunal; but

            (b)         does not otherwise limit—

                  (i)         that Act; or

                  (ii)         any rules, regulations or other instrument regulating the practice or procedure of the responsible tribunal.

Division 5—Compliance examinations


In this Division—

ELNO includes a former ELNO;

subscriber includes a former subscriber.

33—Compliance examinations

The Registrar may, on receiving a request or complaint from any person or on the Registrar’s own initiative, conduct an investigation ( compliance examination ) under this Part—

            (a)         in relation to an ELNO for either or both of the following purposes:

                  (i)         ascertaining whether or not the operating requirements are being, or have been, complied with;

                  (ii)         investigating any suspected or alleged case of misconduct with respect to the operation of an ELN; or

            (b)         in relation to a subscriber for either or both of the following purposes:

                  (i)         ascertaining whether or not the participation rules are being, or have been, complied with;

                  (ii)         investigating any suspected or alleged case of misconduct with respect to the use of an ELN.

34—Obligation to cooperate with examination

        (1)         An ELNO or a subscriber in relation to whom a compliance examination is being conducted must cooperate fully with the person conducting the compliance examination for the purpose of ensuring that the person is able to conduct a proper compliance examination.

        (2)         In particular, an ELNO or a subscriber must comply with any reasonable requirement by the person conducting the compliance examination—

            (a)         to furnish specified information or to produce specified documents for the purposes of the compliance examination; or

            (b)         to take specified action for the purposes of the compliance examination.

        (3)         If an ELNO fails, without reasonable excuse, to cooperate as required by this section, the Registrar may take any action that the Registrar is authorised to take under the operating requirements and that the Registrar considers appropriate, which may include (without limitation) the suspension or revocation of the ELNO’s approval under section 20.

        (4)         If a subscriber fails, without reasonable excuse, to cooperate as required by this section, the Registrar may take any action that the Registrar is authorised to take under the operating requirements, the participation rules or the land titles legislation and that the Registrar considers appropriate.

        (5)         For the purposes of subsections (3) and (4), it is not a reasonable excuse for a person to fail to give stated information, answer a question or to produce a document that giving the information, answering the question or producing the document might tend to incriminate the person or make the person liable to a penalty.

        (6)         However, the following is not admissible in evidence against an individual in a criminal proceeding:

            (a)         information provided by an individual in compliance with a requirement made under this section;

            (b)         an answer given by an individual in response to a question asked under this section;

            (c)         a document produced by an individual in compliance with a requirement made under this section (other than a document to which subsection (7) applies);

            (d)         information directly or indirectly derived from—

                  (i)         information mentioned in paragraph (a); or

                  (ii)         an answer mentioned in paragraph (b); or

                  (iii)         a document mentioned in paragraph (c)(other than a document to which subsection (7) applies).

        (7)         A document produced by an individual in compliance with a requirement made under this section is not inadmissible in evidence against the individual in a criminal proceeding on the ground that the document might incriminate the individual if the document is required to be kept under this Law, the land titles legislation, the operating requirements or the participation rules.

        (8)         Subsection (6) does not apply to—

            (a)         a proceeding about the false or misleading nature of anything in the information, answer or document; or

            (b)         a proceeding in which the false or misleading nature of the information, answer or document is relevant evidence.

35—Registrar may refer matter to appropriate authority

        (1)         In this section—

appropriate authority

            (a)         means a person, body or organisation who or which is empowered by a law of this jurisdiction or of another State or the Commonwealth to take investigatory, disciplinary or other action; and

            (b)         includes (without limiting paragraph (a))—

                  (i)         a law enforcement agency; and

                  (ii)         a regulatory or disciplinary body for persons engaged in any profession, occupation, calling or business.

        (2)         Instead of conducting a compliance examination in relation to a matter, or at any time during a compliance examination or after the completion of a compliance examination in relation to a matter, the Registrar may refer the matter to an appropriate authority.

        (3)         If the Registrar refers a matter to an appropriate authority, the Registrar is not obliged to take any other action in relation to the matter.

36—Land titles legislation not limited

Nothing in this Division limits or affects any provision of the land titles legislation that authorises or permits any investigation, inquiry or examination of any kind.

Part 4—Miscellaneous

Division 1—Delegation

37—Delegation by Registrar

The Registrar may delegate the following to any other person:

            (a)         the power conferred by section 21 to monitor activities in an ELN;

            (b)         any function under Part 3 Division 5.

Division 2—Liability of Registrar

38—Registrar not obliged to monitor ELN or conduct compliance examination

The Registrar is not obliged—

            (a)         to monitor activities in an ELN under section 21; or

            (b)         to conduct or complete a compliance examination under Part 3 Division 5.

39—No compensation

No person is entitled to receive compensation for any loss or damage arising out of anything done or omitted in good faith in, or in connection with, the monitoring of activities in an ELN under section 21 or the conduct of a compliance examination under Part 3 Division 5, including (without limitation)—

            (a)         any decision made, in good faith, not to monitor activities in an ELN or not to conduct a compliance examination; and

            (b)         any decision made, in good faith, as to how activities in an ELN are to be monitored or how a compliance examination is to be conducted.

40—Registrar not responsible for additional services provided by ELNO

The mere fact that an ELNO provides services that are additional to those provided by the ELN operated by that ELNO does not make the Registrar responsible for the regulation or operation of those additional services.

Division 3—Relationship with other laws

41—Other laws relating to electronic transactions not affected

This Law is in addition to, and not in substitution for—

            (a)         the laws of this jurisdiction in relation to electronic transactions; and

            (b)         any other law of this jurisdiction that authorises or permits the use of electronic documents for the purposes of the land titles legislation.

42—Powers may be exercised for purposes of this Law

If any provision of the land titles legislation empowers the making of an instrument of a legislative or administrative character, or the doing of any other act or thing, that power is to be construed (with all necessary changes) as including a general power to make instruments of that character, or to do that act or thing, for the purposes of this Law.

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