30AB—Excise of land for public purposes
(1) If, in the opinion
of the Minister, any land comprised in an exploration licence is required for
a public purpose, the Minister may, in a manner and form prescribed by the
regulations, excise that land from the total area comprised in the licence,
and the licence will then cease to apply to the land (but the land will not be
considered to be open ground for the purposes of this Part).
(2) If the Minister
acts under subsection (1), the tenement holder may apply to the
appropriate court for an order that the Minister pay compensation to the
tenement holder for the money expended by the tenement holder in prospecting
for minerals in the area excised from the total area comprised in the
exploration licence.
(3) The
appropriate court may, on hearing an application under subsection (2),
determine an amount that would fairly compensate the tenement holder to the
extent referred to in that subsection and order that the amount so determined
be paid by the Minister to the tenement holder (and this amount will be
recoverable from the Minister).