141—Evidence by certificate etc
(1) A document
purporting to be a certificate signed by the Registrar stating all or any of
the following matters:
(a) that
a specified person was not on a specified day or during a specified period the
holder of a licence of a specified class or category or was not the holder of
a towtruck certificate;
that, on a specified day, a specified person was or was not the holder of an
exemption under section 81A(14);
that premises described in the certificate were not on a specified day or
during a specified period the registered premises of a towtruck operator
described in the certificate;
that a motor vehicle described in the certificate was or was not on a
specified day or during a specified period registered in the name of a person
described in the certificate;
(b) that
a specified person had not on a specified day or during a specified period
registered any motor vehicle whatever, or a specified motor vehicle;
(c) that
no trade plate or no trade plate bearing a particular number had on a
specified day or during a specified period been issued to a specified person;
(d) that
a specified number was not the number on any trade plate in force on a
specified day;
(e) that
a specified motor vehicle was not on a specified day or during a specified
period a registered motor vehicle;
that specified purposes were the purposes stated in the application for
registration, renewal of registration, exemption from registration or a permit
in respect of a specified motor vehicle or in the application for the issuing
of specified trade plates;
(f) that
a specified number was not on any specified day assigned to any motor vehicle
whatever, or to a specified motor vehicle;
(g) that
a specified person had not on or before a specified day made or delivered an
application to the Registrar under a specified provision of this Act, or had
not given, furnished or produced to the Registrar a notice, document or object
required by or under a specified provision of this Act;
that a specified person had not on or before a specified
day notified the Registrar in a prescribed manner of a change of name,
residence or principal place of business or a change of postal address or
garage address;
(j) that
a document that is attached to the certificate, or that a document a copy of
which is attached to the certificate, was lodged in the Registrar's office on
a specified day;
(k) that
a specified person had or had not on or before a specified day paid any
specified fee or amount payable to the Registrar under this Act;
(l) that
a specified person had not within a specified period attended a lecture
conducted under a specified provision of this Act,
is in all legal proceedings and arbitrations proof of the matters so stated in
the absence of proof to the contrary.
(2) A document
purporting to be a certificate signed by an authority under the Heavy Vehicle
National Law (South Australia) , the Heavy Vehicle National Regulations (South
Australia) or a corresponding law stating matters relating to—
(a) the
registration or non-registration of a motor vehicle; or
(b) the
person recorded on a register as the operator of a motor vehicle; or
(c) the
GCM, GVM, load capacity or identification of a motor vehicle; or
(d) any
other matter relating to the use of a motor vehicle on roads; or
whether a person has a licence or other authority to drive a motor vehicle,
the extent of the authority conferred by the licence or other authority and
any conditions of the licence or other authority; or
(f) any
offence found to have been committed by a person in relation to the driving of
a motor vehicle or in relation to driver licensing, including any penalty
imposed or other order made in respect of that offence; or
demerit points incurred by any person,
is in all legal proceedings and arbitrations proof of the matters so stated in
the absence of proof to the contrary.
(2a) In the absence of
proof to the contrary, in proceedings under this Act, a notice of
disqualification will be taken to have been given to a person—
(a) in
the case of a notice receipt of which is personally acknowledged by the
by the person attending, within the period specified in
the notice, at a place of a kind prescribed by the regulations; or
by the person recording the acknowledgement, within the
period specified in the notice, by electronic means of a kind determined by
the Minister,
on the day on which receipt of the notice is so acknowledged; or
(b) in
the case of a notice that is served on the person personally—on the day
on which the notice is so served.
(3) A court may admit
into evidence other documents prescribed by the regulations in the
circumstances set out in the regulations.
(4) In this
"corresponding law" means a law of another State or Territory of the
Commonwealth declared by the regulations to be a corresponding law for the
purposes of this section.