(1) In this Act,
unless the contrary intention appears—
"appointed member" of SAPHC means a member of SAPHC other than the
Chief Public Health Officer;
"authorised officer" means a person appointed to be a State or
local authorised officer under Part 3 Division 5;
"building" includes a structure;
"Chief Executive" means the Chief Executive of the Department and includes a
person for the time being acting in that position;
"Chief Public Health Officer" includes a person for the time being acting in
that position;
"contaminant" means any of the following prescribed by regulation:
(a) an
(b) a
another thing that may contaminate food or any other prescribed substance or
"controlled notifiable condition" means a disease or medical condition that is
a controlled notifiable condition, or taken to be a controlled
notifiable condition, under Part 10;
"council" means a council within the meaning of the Local Government
Act 1999 ;
"council subsidiary" means a subsidiary of a council established under the
Local Government Act 1999 ;
"the Department" means the administrative unit of the Public Service that is,
under the Minister, responsible for the administration of this Act;
"District Court" means the Administrative and Disciplinary Division of the
District Court;
"emergency" has the same meaning as in the Emergency Management Act 2004
"emergency officer" means a police officer or a person holding an appointment
as an emergency officer under Part 3 Division 6;
"food" has the same meaning as in section 5 of the Food Act 2001 ;
"food business" has the same meaning as in section 4 of the
Food Act 2001 ;
"legal practitioner" means a person admitted and enrolled as a practitioner of
the Supreme Court of South Australia;
"LGA" means the Local Government Association of South Australia;
"local authorised officer"—see section 44;
"local government area" means the area of a council;
"medical condition" includes—
(a) a
medical symptom or pattern of medical symptoms, including symptoms discerned
from any signs or results of investigations, that indicate a disease (whether
defined or yet to be determined);
(b) an
illness or injury arising from a person being contaminated by 1 or more
substances or biological pathogens;
(c) an
injury or any death that gives rise to a public health concern;
"medical practitioner" means a person registered under the Health Practitioner
Regulation National Law to practise in the medical profession (other than as a
"notifiable condition" means a disease or medical condition that is a
notifiable condition under Part 9;
"pathology service" means a service in which human tissue, human fluids or
human body products are subjected to analysis for the purposes of the
prevention, diagnosis or treatment of disease in human beings;
"premises" means—
(a) any
land, building (including residential premises) or place (including a
public place, or a movable building or structure); or
(b) a
part of premises;
"public authority" means—
(a) a
department under the Public Sector Act 2009 ; or
(b) a
body, whether incorporated or unincorporated, established for a public purpose
by the State, regardless of the way in which it is established; or
(c) a
council or council subsidiary; or
(d) the
Police Force of South Australia; or
(e) a
member or officer of a body referred to in a preceding paragraph; or
(f) a
person or body, or a person or body of a class, brought within the ambit of
this definition by the regulations;
"public health" means the health of individuals in the context of the wider
health of the community;
"public health emergency"—see section 87;
"Public Health Emergency Management Plan" means a plan (or a series of plans)
prepared by the Chief Executive and approved by the Minister comprising
strategies to be administered by the Department for the prevention of
emergencies in this State and for ensuring adequate preparation for
emergencies in this State, including strategies for the containment of
emergencies, response and recovery operations and the orderly and efficient
deployment of resources and services in connection with response and
recovery operations;
It is contemplated that the Public Health Emergency Management Plan will form
part of, or be recognised in, the State Emergency Management Plan prepared
under the Emergency Management Act 2004 .
"public health incident"—see section 86;
"public notice" means notice given in accordance with requirements prescribed
by the regulations for the purposes of this definition;
"public place" includes a place to which the public ordinarily has access;
"recovery operations" has the same meaning as in the
Emergency Management Act 2004 ;
"response operations" has the same meaning as in the
Emergency Management Act 2004 ;
"SAPHC" means the South Australian Public Health Council established under
Part 3 Division 3;
"State authorised officer"—see section 43;
"State Co-ordinator" means the person holding or acting in the position of
State Co-ordinator under the Emergency Management Act 2004 ;
"Tribunal" means the South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal
established under the South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Act 2013 ;
"vehicle" includes an aircraft or vessel;
"wastewater" means water that has been used in any form of human activity and
water containing any form of waste or other matter or substance that may
detract from its safety or from public health; and
without limiting paragraph (a), human waste either alone or in
combination with water;
"wastewater system" means a system for collecting and managing wastewater
(including through treatment, reuse and disposal), whether or not connected to
the undertaking within the meaning of the Sewerage Act 1929 .
(2) Without limiting
the definition of "public health" in subsection (1), public health may
involve a combination of policies, programs and safeguards designed—
(a) to
protect, maintain or promote the health of the community at large, including
where 1 or more persons may be the focus of any safeguards, action or
response; or
(b) to
prevent or reduce the incidence of disease, injury or disability within the
(3) For the purposes
of this Act, "harm" includes physical or psychological harm, or
potential harm, to individuals, whether of long term or immediate impact or
(4) For the purposes
of this Act, "potential harm" includes risk of harm and future harm.
(5) For the purposes
of this Act, a person may cause something if he or she—
contributes to something happening or proceeding, or allows or permits
something to happen or proceed; or
contributes to the continuation of a condition for which the person is
responsible, or allows or permits a condition for which the person is
responsible to continue.