• Please note—References in the legislation to other
legislation or instruments or to titles of bodies or offices are not
automatically updated as part of the program for the revision and publication of
legislation and therefore may be obsolete.
• Earlier versions of this Act (historical versions) are listed at
the end of the legislative history.
• For further information relating to the Act and subordinate
legislation made under the Act see the Index of South Australian Statutes or
Legislation amended by principal Act
The State Lotteries Act 1966 amended the following:
Lottery and Gaming Act 1936
Principal Act and amendments
New entries appear in bold.
Year |
No |
Title |
Assent |
Commencement |
1966 |
54 |
3.11.1966 |
8.12.1966 (Gazette 8.12.1966 p2152) |
1973 |
27 |
State Lotteries Act Amendment Act 1973 |
20.9.1973 |
20.9.1973 |
1974 |
60 |
State Lotteries Act Amendment Act 1974 |
19.9.1974 |
19.9.1974 |
1975 |
118 |
Statute Law Revision Act (No. 2) 1975 |
4.12.1975 |
4.12.1975 |
1978 |
104 |
State Lotteries Act Amendment Act 1978 |
7.12.1978 |
7.12.1978 |
1981 |
1 |
State Lotteries Act Amendment Act 1981 |
20.2.1981 |
20.2.1981 |
1983 |
100 |
State Lotteries Act Amendment Act 1983 |
22.12.1983 |
22.12.1983 |
1984 |
93 |
State Lotteries Act Amendment Act 1984 |
13.12.1984 |
13.12.1984 (Gazette 13.12.1984 p1811) |
1986 |
28 |
State Lotteries Act Amendment Act 1986 |
20.3.1986 |
21.1.1993 (Gazette 21.1.1993 p224) |
1988 |
22 |
State Lotteries Act Amendment Act 1988 |
14.4.1988 |
14.4.1988 |
1992 |
65 |
State Lotteries (Soccer Pools & Other) Amendment
Act 1992 |
19.11.1992 |
3.12.1992 (Gazette 3.12.1992 p1690) |
1993 |
90 |
State Lotteries (Instant Lotteries) Amendment
Act 1993 |
4.11.1993 |
8.12.1966: s 2(1) |
1994 |
78 |
State Lotteries (Scratch Tickets) Amendment Act 1994 |
8.12.1994 |
1996 |
49 |
State Lotteries (Unclaimed Prizes) Amendment
Act 1996 |
25.7.1996 |
25.7.1996 (Gazette 25.7.1996 p170) |
1999 |
33 |
17.6.1999 |
Sch (item 55)—1.7.1999 being the date specified under s 3(16) of the
Financial Sector Reform (Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act (No. 1)
1999 of the Commonwealth as the transfer date for the purposes of that Act:
s 2(2) |
2000 |
4 |
District Court (Administrative and Disciplinary Division) Amendment
Act 2000 |
20.4.2000 |
Sch 1 (cl 40)—1.6.2000 (Gazette 18.5.2000
p2554) |
2000 |
26 |
Statutes Amendment (Lotteries and Racing—GST)
Act 2000 |
29.6.2000 |
Pt 2 (s 4)—1.7.2000: s 2 |
2000 |
94 |
21.12.2000 |
Sch 4 (cl 4)—14.12.2001 (Gazette 6.12.2001
p5267) |
2001 |
18 |
Statutes Amendment (Gambling Regulation) Act 2001 |
31.5.2001 |
Pt 11 (ss 51—53)—1.10.2001 (Gazette 13.9.2001
p4116) except s 54—31.5.2003 (s 7(5) Acts Interpretation
Act 1915) |
2007 |
13 |
State Lotteries (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2007 |
5.4.2007 |
30.4.2007 (Gazette 26.4.2007 p1351) |
2009 |
58 |
Statutes Amendment (National Industrial Relations System) Act
2009 |
26.11.2009 |
Pt 15 (s 43)—1.1.2010 (Gazette 17.12.2009
p6351) |
2009 |
84 |
Statutes Amendment (Public Sector Consequential Amendments) Act
2009 |
10.12.2009 |
Pt 146 (ss 334 & 335)—1.2.2010 (Gazette 28.1.2010
p320) |
2010 |
28 |
Gaming Machines (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2010 |
9.12.2010 |
Sch 1 (cl 3)—1.1.2011 (Gazette 16.12.2010
p5695) |
2013 |
37 |
Statutes Amendment (Gambling Reform) Act 2013 |
8.8.2013 |
Pt 7 (s 144)—31.10.2013 (Gazette 29.8.2013
p3648) |
2015 |
8 |
Statutes Amendment (Boards and Committees—Abolition and Reform)
Act 2015 |
18.6.2015 |
Pt 38 (ss 241—252)—1.7.2015 (Gazette 25.6.2015
p3076) |
2018 |
35 |
Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Budget Measures)
Act 2018 |
22.11.2018 |
Pt 19 (ss 139 to 141)—1.12.2018 (Gazette 29.11.2018
p4058) |
2019 |
14 |
Statutes Amendment (SACAT) Act 2019 |
11.7.2019 |
Pt 28 (ss 172 to 174)—2.12.2019 (Gazette 21.11.2019
p3928) |
2019 |
44 |
Statutes Amendment (Gambling Regulation) Act 2019 |
12.12.2019 |
Pt 7 (ss 143 & 144)—3.12.2020 (Gazette 30.7.2020
p4103) |
2021 |
5 |
Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Budget Measures)
Act 2021 |
25.2.2021 |
Pt 14 (ss 52 to 54)—1.7.2021 (Gazette 10.6.2021
p2139) |
Provisions amended since 3 February
• Legislative history prior to 3 February 1976 appears in marginal
notes and footnotes included in the consolidation of this Act contained in
Volume 10 of The Public General Acts of South Australia 1837-1975 at page
New entries appear in bold.
Entries that relate to provisions that have been deleted appear in
Provision |
How varied |
Commencement |
Long title |
amended under Legislation Revision and Publication
Act 2002 |
31.5.2003 |
amended by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
s 2 |
omitted under Legislation Revision and Publication
Act 2002 |
31.5.2003 |
20.2.1981 |
inserted by 13/2007 s 4(1) |
30.4.2007 |
Authority |
inserted by 18/2001 s 51(a) |
1.10.2001 |
deleted by 35/2018 s 139(1) |
1.12.2018 |
Chairman |
deleted by 18/2001 s 51(a) |
1.10.2001 |
inserted by 8/2015 s 241(1) |
1.7.2015 |
inserted by 13/2007 s 4(2) |
30.4.2007 |
inserted by 5/2021 s 52 |
1.7.2021 |
inserted by 5/2021 s 52 |
1.7.2021 |
inserted by 5/2021 s 52 |
1.7.2021 |
inserted by 35/2018 s 139(2) |
1.12.2018 |
amended by 93/1984 s 3(a) |
13.12.1984 |
amended by 65/1992 s 3(a) |
3.12.1992 |
member |
deleted by 8/2015 s 241(2) |
1.7.2015 |
inserted by 65/1992 s 3(b) |
3.12.1992 |
amended by 13/2007 s 4(3), (4) |
30.4.2007 |
presiding member |
inserted by 18/2001 s 51(b) |
1.10.2001 |
deleted by 8/2015 s 241(3) |
1.7.2015 |
inserted by 93/1984 s 3(b) |
13.12.1984 |
inserted by 13/2007 s 4(5) |
30.4.2007 |
inserted by 65/1992 s 3(c) |
3.12.1992 |
substituted by 13/2007 s 4(5) |
30.4.2007 |
inserted by 65/1992 s 3(c) |
3.12.1992 |
inserted by 93/1984 s 3(c) |
13.12.1984 |
substituted by 94/2000 Sch 4 cl 4(a) |
14.12.2001 |
inserted by 93/1984 s 3(c) |
13.12.1984 |
amended by 65/1992 s 3(d) |
3.12.1992 |
inserted by 93/1984 s 3(c) |
13.12.1984 |
amended by 65/1992 s 3(e) |
3.12.1992 |
inserted by 93/1984 s 3(c) |
13.12.1984 |
inserted by 93/1984 s 3(c) |
13.12.1984 |
inserted by 1/1981 s 2 |
20.2.1981 |
amended by 13/2007 s 4(6) |
30.4.2007 |
s 3(3) and (4) |
inserted by 13/2007 s 4(7) |
30.4.2007 |
substituted by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
amended by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
substituted by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
amended by 14/2019 s 172 |
2.12.2019 |
amended by 28/1986 s 3 |
21.1.1993 |
amended by 18/2001 s 52 |
1.10.2001 |
amended by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
substituted by 8/2015 s 242(1) |
1.7.2015 |
s 4(6) and (7) |
deleted by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
amended by 8/2015 s 242(2) |
1.7.2015 |
substituted by 93/1984 s 4 |
13.12.1984 |
amended by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
amended by 8/2015 s 243(1) |
1.7.2015 |
amended by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
amended by 8/2015 s 243(2) |
1.7.2015 |
inserted by 8/2015 s 243(3) |
1.7.2015 |
amended by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
substituted by 8/2015 s 244 |
1.7.2015 |
s 7 |
amended by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
deleted by 8/2015 s 244 |
1.7.2015 |
13.12.1984 |
amended by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
amended by 8/2015 s 245(1)—(4) |
1.7.2015 |
(d) deleted by 8/2015 s 245(5) |
1.7.2015 |
inserted by 93/1984 s 5(b) |
13.12.1984 |
amended by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
amended by 8/2015 s 245(6)—(8) |
1.7.2015 |
s 9 before substitution by 8/2015 |
s 9(1) and (2) |
amended by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
inserted by 28/1986 s 4(a) |
21.1.1993 |
amended by 28/1986 s 4(b) |
21.1.1993 |
amended by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
amended by 93/1984 s 6(a) |
13.12.1984 |
amended by 18/2001 s 53 |
1.10.2001 |
amended by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
amended by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
s 9(6) and (7) |
inserted by 93/1984 s 6(b) |
13.12.1984 |
amended by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
substituted by 8/2015 s 246 |
1.7.2015 |
s 10 before deletion by 84/2009 |
substituted by 93/1984 s 7 |
13.12.1984 |
s 10(1) and (2) |
amended by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
s 10 |
deleted by 84/2009 s 334 |
1.2.2010 |
amended by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
amended by 8/2015 s 247 |
1.7.2015 |
s 12 |
amended by 65/1992 s 4 |
3.12.1992 |
amended by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
deleted by 8/2015 s 248 |
1.7.2015 |
amended by 1/1981 s 3 |
20.2.1981 |
amended by 65/1992 s 5(a), (b) |
3.12.1992 |
amended by 13/2007 s 5(1), (2) |
30.4.2007 |
inserted by 65/1992 s 5(c) |
3.12.1992 |
deleted by 13/2007 s 5(3) |
30.4.2007 |
amended by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
substituted by 84/2009 s 335 |
1.2.2010 |
deleted by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
inserted by 58/2009 s 43 |
1.1.2010 |
inserted by 13/2007 s 6 |
30.4.2007 |
s 13A(2) and (3) |
amended by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
substituted by 93/1984 s 8 |
13.12.1984 |
amended by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
s 13B before deletion by 44/2019 |
inserted by 18/2001 s 54 |
31.5.2003 |
substituted by 37/2013 s 144 |
31.10.2013 |
s 13B(1) |
amended by 35/2018 s 140(1) |
1.12.2018 |
s 13B(2) |
amended by 35/2018 s 140(1), (2) |
1.12.2018 |
s 13B(3) and (4) |
amended by 35/2018 s 140(1) |
1.12.2018 |
s 13B(5) |
deleted by 35/2018 s 140(3) |
1.12.2018 |
s 13B(6)—(8) |
amended by 35/2018 s 140(1) |
1.12.2018 |
s 13B |
deleted by 44/2019 s 143 |
3.12.2020 |
inserted by 18/2001 s 54 |
31.5.2003 |
substituted by 37/2013 s 144 |
31.10.2013 |
amended by 44/2019 s 144 |
3.12.2020 |
s 13D before deletion by 37/2013 |
inserted by 18/2001 s 54 |
31.5.2003 |
s 13D(1) |
amended by 28/2010 Sch 1 cl 3(1) |
1.1.2011 |
s 13D(4) |
amended by 28/2010 Sch 1 cl 3(2) |
1.1.2011 |
s 13D |
deleted by 37/2013 s 144 |
31.10.2013 |
s 13E |
inserted by 18/2001 s 54 |
31.5.2003 |
deleted by 37/2013 s 144 |
31.10.2013 |
s 14(1) and (2) |
amended by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
s 15 |
deleted by 93/1984 s 9 |
13.12.1984 |
substituted by 65/1992 s 6(a) |
3.12.1992 |
substituted by 33/1999 Sch (item 55) |
1.7.1999 |
amended by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
substituted by 93/1984 s 10 |
13.12.1984 |
amended by 65/1992 s 16(b), (c) |
3.12.1992 |
amended by 49/1996 s 3 |
25.7.1996 |
substituted by 26/2000 s 4(a) |
1.7.2000 |
amended by 13/2007 s 7(1)—(3) |
30.4.2007 |
amended by 5/2021 s 53(1)—(3) |
1.7.2021 |
deleted by 93/1984 s 10 |
13.12.1984 |
inserted by 65/1992 s 6(d) |
3.12.1992 |
amended by 13/2007 s 7(4) |
30.4.2007 |
deleted by 93/1984 s 10 |
13.12.1984 |
inserted by 26/2000 s 4(b) |
1.7.2000 |
agents' commission |
inserted by 5/2021 s 53(4) |
1.7.2021 |
amended by 5/2021 s 53(5) |
1.7.2021 |
s 16(6)—(8) |
deleted by 93/1984 s 10 |
13.12.1984 |
inserted by 93/1984 s 11 |
13.12.1984 |
substituted by 65/1992 s 7 |
3.12.1992 |
inserted by 94/2000 Sch 4 cl 4(b) |
14.12.2001 |
inserted by 93/1984 s 11 |
13.12.1984 |
amended by 65/1992 s 8 |
3.12.1992 |
substituted by 49/1996 s 4 |
25.7.1996 |
amended by 13/2007 s 8(1) |
30.4.2007 |
amended by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
deleted by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
inserted by 13/2007 s 8(2) |
30.4.2007 |
inserted by 49/1996 s 5 |
25.7.1996 |
amended by 13/2007 s 9(1) |
30.4.2007 |
amended by 13/2007 s 9(2) |
30.4.2007 |
inserted by 49/1996 s 5 |
25.7.1996 |
22.12.1983 |
amended by 65/1992 s 9(a) |
3.12.1992 |
amended by 13/2007 s 10(1), Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
inserted by 13/2007 s 10(2) |
30.4.2007 |
inserted by 100/1983 s 2 |
22.12.1983 |
amended by 65/1992 s 9(b) |
3.12.1992 |
amended by 13/2007 s 10(3), (4), Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
inserted by 13/2007 s 10(5) |
30.4.2007 |
inserted by 100/1983 s 2 |
22.12.1983 |
amended by 93/1984 s 12 |
13.12.1984 |
amended by 49/1996 s 6 |
25.7.1996 |
amended by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
inserted by 65/1992 s 9(c) |
3.12.1992 |
missed prize entry |
inserted by 13/2007 s 10(6) |
30.4.2007 |
inserted by 65/1992 s 9(c) |
3.12.1992 |
amended by 13/2007 s 10(7) |
30.4.2007 |
inserted by 90/1993 s 3 |
8.12.1966 |
amended by 78/1994 s 3 |
8.12.1966 |
inserted by 78/1994 s 4 |
8.12.1994 |
amended by 13/2007 s 11(1) |
30.4.2007 |
amended by 13/2007 s 11(2) |
30.4.2007 |
amended by 49/1996 s 7 |
25.7.1996 |
amended by 13/2007 s 11(3), Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
amended by 13/2007 s 11(4) |
30.4.2007 |
substituted by 93/1984 s 13 |
13.12.1984 |
amended by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
inserted by 78/1994 s 5 |
8.12.1994 |
substituted by 14/2019 s 173 |
2.12.2019 |
1.6.2000 |
inserted by 93/1984 s 13 |
13.12.1984 |
s 18A(1) and (2) |
amended by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
deleted by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
inserted by 93/1984 s 13 |
13.12.1984 |
s 18B(1) and (3) |
amended by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
inserted by 8/2015 s 249 |
1.7.2015 |
s 19(1)—(3) |
deleted by 13/2007 s 12(1) |
30.4.2007 |
inserted by 65/1992 s 10(a) |
3.12.1992 |
amended by 13/2007 s 12(2) |
30.4.2007 |
amended by 93/1984 s 14(a), (b) |
13.12.1984 |
amended by 65/1992 s 10(b) |
3.12.1992 |
deleted by 13/2007 s 12(3) |
30.4.2007 |
amended by 93/1984 s 14(c) |
13.12.1984 |
substituted by 22/1988 s 2 |
14.4.1988 |
amended by 13/2007 s 12(4) |
30.4.2007 |
amended by 93/1984 s 14(d) |
13.12.1984 |
amended by 13/2007 s 12(5), (6), Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
amended by 93/1984 s 14(e) |
13.12.1984 |
deleted by 65/1992 s 10(c) |
3.12.1992 |
amended by 93/1984 s 14(f) |
13.12.1984 |
deleted by 65/1992 s 10(c) |
3.12.1992 |
amended by 93/1984 s 14(g) |
13.12.1984 |
substituted by 65/1992 s 10(d) |
3.12.1992 |
amended by 13/2007 s 12(7) |
30.4.2007 |
amended by 8/2015 s 250 |
1.7.2015 |
inserted by 65/1992 s 10(d) |
3.12.1992 |
inserted by 65/1992 s 10(d) |
3.12.1992 |
amended by 13/2007 s 12(8) |
30.4.2007 |
amended by 8/2015 s 250 |
1.7.2015 |
inserted by 65/1992 s 10(d) |
3.12.1992 |
amended by 13/2007 s 12(9) |
30.4.2007 |
amended by 93/1984 s 14(h) |
13.12.1984 |
amended by 13/2007 s 12(10), Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
inserted by 104/1978 s 2(a) |
7.12.1978 |
amended by 93/1984 s 14(i), (j) |
13.12.1984 |
amended by 13/2007 s 12(11), Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
inserted by 13/2007 s 12(12) |
30.4.2007 |
amended by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
amended by 104/1978 s 2(b) |
7.12.1978 |
deleted by 13/2007 s 12(13) |
30.4.2007 |
s 20(1) and (2) |
amended by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
amended by 93/1984 s 15 |
13.12.1984 |
deleted by 13/2007 Sch 1 |
30.4.2007 |
s 20(4)—(6) |
inserted by 8/2015 s 251 |
1.7.2015 |
Sch |
omitted under Legislation Revision and Publication
Act 2002 |
31.5.2003 |
Transitional etc provisions associated with Act or
State Lotteries (Soccer Pools & Other) Amendment
Act 1992, Sch)
2—Transitional provisions
(1) On the commencement of this amending Act all money in the fund kept at
the Treasury and known as the "Lotteries Fund" must be transferred into the
Hospitals Fund.
(2) On the commencement of this amending Act, an amount equal to 50 per
cent of the balance held by the Commission as at 30 June 1992 by way of
forfeited unclaimed prizes must be paid by the Commission into the Hospitals
(3) The amendment to section 16B of the principal Act made by this
amending Act applies in relation to prizes forfeited to the Commission on or
after 1 July 1992 and to any prizes forfeited to the Commission before that date
but in respect of which an amount had not as at that date been applied by the
Commission in accordance with that section as in force immediately before the
commencement of this amending Act.
State Lotteries (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act
13—Review of effect of special appeal
(1) The Minister must
cause a review of the operation of section 13AB of the State Lotteries
Act 1966 (as inserted by section 6 of this Act) to be undertaken
as soon as practicable after the second anniversary of the commencement of
section 6 of this Act.
(2) The person undertaking the review must present a report on the review
to the Minister within 6 months after commencing the review.
(3) The report—
(a) must address the effect (whether detrimental or otherwise) of the
conduct of special appeal lotteries on the fund-raising activities of each
beneficiary of the lotteries; and
(b) if the person undertaking the review receives any submissions from
beneficiaries of special appeal lotteries—must include a response to each
(4) The Minister must cause a copy of the report to be laid before both
Houses of Parliament within 6 sitting days after receiving the
Statutes Amendment (Board and
Committees—Abolition and Reform) Act 2015
252—Transitional provision
A member of the Lotteries Commission of South Australia ceases to hold
office on the commencement of this section.
Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Budget Measures)
Act 2018, Pt 19
141—Transitional provisions
(1) A notice prescribing a code of practice or requirements for systems
and procedures published by the Authority and in force under section 13B of
the State Lotteries Act 1966 as in force immediately before the
commencement of this section continues in force as if it had been published
under that Act as in force after the commencement of this section.
(2) In this section—
Authority means the Independent Gambling Authority
established under the Independent Gambling Authority Act 1995 (as in
force immediately before the commencement of this section).
Statutes Amendment (SACAT) Act 2019,
Pt 28
174—Transitional provisions
(1) A right to appeal to the Administrative and Disciplinary Division of
the District Court under section 18AA of the principal Act in relation to a
matter in existence (but not yet exercised) before the relevant day, will be
exercised as if this Part had been in operation before the right arose, so that
proceedings may be commenced instead before the Tribunal.
(2) Nothing in this section affects any proceedings before the
Administrative and Disciplinary Division of the District Court commenced under
the principal Act before the relevant day.
(3) In this section—
principal Act means the State Lotteries
Act 1966;
relevant day means the day on which this Part comes into
Tribunal means the South Australian Civil and Administrative
Tribunal established under the South Australian Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 2013.
Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Budget Measures)
Act 2021, Pt 14
54—Transitional provision
(1) If a lottery being conducted by the Commission has not been completed
before the relevant day, section 16 of the State Lotteries
Act 1966, as amended by this Act, applies in respect of the
(2) In this clause—
relevant day means the day on which section 53 of this
Act comes into operation.
Historical versions
Reprint No 1—15.1.1992 |
Reprint No 2—3.12.1992 |
Reprint No 3—21.1.1993 |
Reprint No 4—4.11.1993 |
Reprint No 5—8.12.1994 |
Reprint No 6—25.7.1996 |
Reprint No 7—1.7.1999 |
Reprint No 8—1.6.2000 |
Reprint No 9—1.7.2000 |
Reprint No 10—1.10.2001 |
Reprint No 11—14.12.2001 |
Reprint No 12—31.5.2003 |
30.4.2007 |
1.1.2010 |
1.2.2010 |
1.1.2011 |
31.10.2013 |
1.7.2015 |
1.12.2018 |
2.12.2019 |
3.12.2020 |