8—Recognition of certain assessments of relevant history as working with children checks
(1) An assessment of relevant history conducted in respect of a person within the 3 years preceding the commencement of this section will, for the purposes of the Child Safety (Prohibited Persons) Act 2016
, be taken to be a working with children check in respect of the person conducted under that Act.
(2) However, this section ceases to apply to an assessment of relevant history in respect of a particular person if either of the following occurs:
(a) the person becomes a prohibited person;
(b) a working with children check is conducted in relation to the person.
(3) To avoid doubt, an assessment of relevant history referred to in subsection (1)
clearing a person for child-related employment (however described) will, for the purposes of the Child Safety (Prohibited Persons) Act 2016
, be taken to be a determination of the central assessment unit made at the relevant time that the person is not to be prohibited from working with children.
(4) The central assessment unit may issue a unique identifier under section 29 of the Child Safety (Prohibited Persons) Act 2016
to each person contemplated by subsection (1)
(being a person to whom a unique identifier has not previously been issued under that Act).