78—Testamentary gifts and trusts
(1) If—
(a) a
testamentary disposition has been made in favour of, or a trust has been
created for the benefit of, a prescribed entity; and
(b) the
prescribed entity has been dissolved (whether before or after the commencement
of this section); and
all of the functions of the prescribed entity have been
transferred to an incorporated hospital under this Act; or
the Minister has, by instrument published in the Gazette,
certified that, in his or her opinion, a major proportion of the functions of
the prescribed entity have been transferred to an incorporated hospital under
this Act,
then the disposition will be taken to be made, or the trust will be taken to
be created, (as the case requires) in favour of—
(d) in a
case where paragraph (c)(i) applies—
subject to subparagraph (ii) of this
paragraph—the relevant incorporated hospital; or
if the constitution of an incorporated HAC provides that
the HAC is to assume the benefit of any testamentary disposition or trust to
which this section applies in substitution for the hospital (named in the
constitution) that would otherwise obtain the benefit of this section under
subparagraph (i)—that HAC;
(e) in a
case where paragraph (c)(ii) applies—an incorporated hospital or an
incorporated HAC, as designated by the Minister by notice in the Gazette.
(2) The Minister must
consult with the Attorney-General before making a designation under
subsection (1)(e).
(3) If—
(a) a
testamentary disposition has been made in favour of, or a trust has been
created for the benefit of, the patients or residents of a prescribed entity;
(b) the
prescribed entity has been dissolved (whether before or after the commencement
of this section); and
all of the functions of the prescribed entity have been
transferred to an incorporated hospital under this Act; or
the Minister has, by instrument published in the Gazette,
certified that, in his or her opinion, a major proportion of the functions of
the prescribed entity have been transferred to an incorporated hospital under
this Act,
then the disposition will be taken to be made, or the trust will be taken to
be created, (as the case requires) in favour of, the patients or residents of
the incorporated hospital.
(4) A testamentary
disposition or trust that is subject to the operation of this section must be
administered in a manner that accords, as far as is reasonably practicable,
with the spirit of the original purposes of the disposition or trust.
(5) Nothing in this
section operates to defeat the intention reflected by the provisions or terms
of a testamentary disposition or trust that provide that, should the
beneficiary cease to exist, the testamentary disposition or trust was to lapse
or was to be in favour of some other person or body.
(6) Nothing in this
section invalidates the execution, declaration or creation of a testamentary
disposition or trust made or effected before the commencement of this section.
(7) Nothing in this
affects the operation of any order or determination of a court made before the
commencement of this section; or
affects the operation or validity of an act or decision of an executor or
executrix, or a trustee, lawfully taken or made before the commencement of
this section.
(8) This section
operates subject to any exclusions prescribed by the regulations.
(9) For the purposes
of this section, a reference to a "testamentary disposition includes a
reference to a surrender or release effected by a testamentary disposition.