South Australian Numbered Acts

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4—Substitution of section 17

Section 17—delete the section and substitute:


        (1)         Subject to this Act, royalty is payable to the Minister on all minerals recovered from mineral land and—

            (a)         sold or intended for sale; or

            (b)         utilised, or to be utilised, for any commercial or industrial purpose.

        (2)         Royalty is not payable on minerals recovered from mineral land that are removed from the area of a mining tenement for the purpose of any testing of a kind approved by the Minister.

        (3)         Royalty is only payable on precious stones if the precious stones are recovered under this Act.

        (4)         Subject to this or any other relevant section, royalty will be equivalent to—

            (a)         in the case of extractive minerals—35 cents per tonne, or such lesser amount as may be prescribed by the regulations, as assessed at the mine gate; or

            (b)         in any other case—3.5% of the value of the minerals, as assessed in accordance with subsection (5) (the "royalty assessment principles ).

        (5)         For the purposes of subsection (4)(b) (and any other relevant section), the value of minerals will be the value (the "ex-mine gate value ) that fairly represents the market value (excluding GST) of the minerals at the time that the minerals leave the area of—

            (a)         unless paragraph (b) applies, the mining tenement from which the minerals were recovered; or

            (b)         if the minerals have been transported to mineral land the subject of a miscellaneous purposes licence—that mineral land.

        (6)         Without limiting any other relevant matter, the market value of particular minerals will be determined according to—

            (a)         any contract price obtained for the minerals if the sale is to a genuine purchaser at arms length and taking into account the point of sale; or

            (b)         if there is not a contract with a genuine purchaser at arms length as contemplated by paragraph (a) in a particular case—

                  (i)         any price quoted or obtained on any market recognised by the Minister (by notice published in the Gazette) as being a relevant industry market for the purposes of determining the market value of minerals of that kind; or

                  (ii)         if subparagraph (i) does not apply in a particular case—the price (if any) declared by the Minister by notice in the Gazette as being an indicative price for the minerals; or

            (c)         if neither paragraph (a) nor (b) applies in a particular case, any price obtained by other parties within the industry in relation to similar sales on the open market within a period determined by the Minister.

        (7)         For the purposes of subsection (6)(a), "contract price means—

            (a)         the amount to be paid under the contract; plus

            (b)         the value of any consideration, set-off, concession or other factor otherwise taken into account by the parties to the contract in determining the amount to be paid under the contract.

        (8)         Any costs of a prescribed kind are not to be included in the market value of particular minerals at the gate of the relevant tenement.

        (9)         The Minister may, under an agreement between the Minister and the person liable to pay royalty on any minerals other than extractive minerals, determine that royalty will be payable according to the weight or volume of minerals recovered or some other basis, and royalty will be payable by the person in accordance with the determination.

        (10)         The Minister may, on the application of a person liable to pay royalty under this section, having regard to the effect that payment of such royalty would be likely to have on the viability or profitability of mining operations carried on by the person, waive payment of royalty wholly or in part, or reduce the rate at which royalty is payable, on minerals recovered in the course of those operations.

        (11)         Royalty may be recovered by the Crown as a debt due to the Crown in any court of competent jurisdiction.

        (12)         The holder of a tenement from which minerals are recovered is liable to pay the royalty.


For private mines see section 73E.

17A—Reduced royalty for new mines

        (1)         The Minister may, on the application of a person liable to pay royalty (other than on extractive minerals), by notice in the Gazette, declare that a mine will be taken to be a "new mine" for the purposes of this section.

        (2)         Despite section 17, for the period of 5 years commencing on the date of paying the first royalty payment under this Act, royalty payable in relation to minerals (other than extractive minerals) recovered from mineral land at a new mine will be equivalent to 1.5 per cent of the value of the minerals (as assessed in accordance with the royalty assessment principles under section 17).

        (3)         The Minister may, by subsequent notice in the Gazette, vary or revoke a declaration under subsection (1).

        (4)         An application under this section must be made in a manner and form determined by the Minister and must be lodged with the Director of Mines.

        (5)         An applicant must provide any information reasonably required by the Minister to determine the application.

        (6)         In determining whether or not to make a declaration under this section, the Minister may have regard to the following matters (insofar as they may be relevant):

            (a)         the extent to which the mining operations to be carried on at the mine can be viewed as constituting an extension of existing mining operations, or the revival of mining operations that have been previously carried on;

            (b)         the nature of the mining operations to be carried on at the mine when compared to any existing operations carried on, or previously carried on, at the same tenement, or a tenement within the vicinity of the relevant mine;

            (c)         the relationship of the applicant to any other person carrying on mining operations within the vicinity of the relevant mine (including, in the case of a body corporate, mining operations carried on by a related body corporate within the meaning of section 50 of the Corporations Act 2001 of the Commonwealth);

            (d)         such other matters as the Minister thinks fit.

17B—Assessments by Minister

        (1)         The Minister may make an assessment of royalty under this Act if the Minister is of the opinion that a person liable to pay royalty—

            (a)         has not made a payment of royalty when it falls due; or

            (b)         has not paid royalty in accordance with the royalty assessment principles (and any related provision under this Act); or

            (c)         has not paid royalty in accordance with any agreement or determination that applies under section 17 or 17A; or

            (d)         has not paid royalty in accordance with any other relevant requirement.

        (2)         Without limiting subsection (1), the Minister may, on application or on the Minister's own initiative, review and revise an earlier assessment of royalty (and that revision will then be taken to be a new assessment for the purposes of this Act).

        (3)         The Minister must cause a copy of any assessment under this section to be served on the person liable to pay the royalty.

        (4)         A person on whom a copy of an assessment is served may, within 1 month after the date of service, appeal against the assessment to the ERD Court.

        (5)         On the hearing of an appeal, the ERD Court may vary the assessment of the Minister to such extent as it thinks fit.

        (6)         In this section—

"royalty assessment principles" means the royalty assessment principles that apply under section 17.

17C—Recovery of royalty where appeal lodged

The fact that an appeal has been lodged under section 17B but not yet determined does not in the meantime affect the assessment to which the appeal relates, and the amount of any royalty or civil penalty amount determined as being payable under this Act as a result of the assessment may be recovered as if no appeal had been lodged.

17D—When royalty falls due

        (1)         Subject to this Act, royalty will fall due—

            (a)         in respect of minerals with an ex-mine gate value calculated during the period between 1 January and 30 June (both dates inclusive) in any year—on 31 July of that year;

            (b)         in respect of minerals with an ex-mine gate value calculated during the period between 1 July and 31 December (both dates inclusive) in any year—on 31 January of the following year,

(but the Minister may, on application by the person liable to pay the royalty or of his or her own motion, extend the date on which the royalty will fall due).

        (2)         Despite subsection (1), any royalty on minerals recovered from land within a mining tenement or private mine will be due and payable (including for the purposes of the imposition of a penalty amount for unpaid royalty under this Act)—

            (a)         in the case of a mining tenement—

                  (i)         when the mining tenement is being transferred or surrendered; or

                  (ii)         when the mining tenement is suspended or cancelled; or

                  (iii)         when the mining tenement expires; or

            (b)         in the case of a private mine—when the declaration of the relevant area as a private mine is revoked; or

            (c)         at any other time in accordance with the regulations.

        (3)         The Minister may, on application by a person liable to pay royalty or of his or her own motion, exempt (on such conditions as the Minister thinks fit) a person from the operation of subsection (1) or (2) if the Minister is satisfied that it is not reasonably practicable for the person to strictly comply with the requirements of this section.

        (4)         In this section—

"ex-mine gate value" means a value calculated in accordance with section 17(5).

17E—Penalty for unpaid royalty

        (1)         If royalty payable on minerals under this Act (other than extractive minerals recovered from a private mine) is not paid on or by the day on which it fell due, the person liable to pay the royalty is liable to pay a penalty amount, in addition to the amount of royalty unpaid, equal to $1 000 plus the prescribed amount for each month (or part of a month) for which the royalty remains unpaid.

        (2)         The Minister may, at the Minister's discretion, remit a penalty amount payable under subsection (1) by any amount.

        (3)         A penalty amount may be recovered by the Crown as a debt due to the Crown in any court of competent jurisdiction.

        (4)         In this section—

"prescribed amount" is to be calculated as follows:



"PA" is the prescribed amount;

"R" is the amount of unpaid royalty;

"CLRR" is the corporate loan reference rate applied by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia for corporate lending on the day on which the royalty fell due.

17F—Processed minerals

For the purposes of the imposition of royalty under this Act, a reference to minerals includes a reference to processed minerals.

17G—Means of payment

Royalty must be paid in accordance with any requirement prescribed or authorised by or under the regulations.

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