28—Amendment of section 34 of the NEL—Rule making powers
(1) NEL,
section 34(1)—delete the subsection and substitute:
(1) Subject to this
Division, the AEMC, in accordance with this Law and
the Regulations, may make Rules, to be known, collectively, as the "National
Electricity Rules", for or with respect to—
the operation of the national electricity market;
the operation of the national electricity system for the
purposes of the safety, security and reliability of that system;
the activities of persons (including Registered
participants) participating in the national electricity market or involved in
the operation of the national electricity system;
(b) any
matter or thing contemplated by this Law, or is necessary or expedient for the
purposes of this Law.
The procedure for the making of a Rule by the AEMC is set out in Division 3 of
Part 7.
(2) NEL,
section 34(3)(e)—delete the paragraph and substitute:
confer a function on the AER, the AEMC, NEMMCO or a jurisdictional regulator
to make, prepare, develop or issue guidelines, tests, standards, procedures or
any other document (however described) in accordance with the Rules, including
guidelines, tests, standards, procedures or any other document (however
described) that leave any matter or thing to be determined by the AER, the
AEMC, NEMMCO or jurisdictional regulator;