South Australian Numbered Acts
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Long Title
PART 1--Preliminary
1. Short title
2. Commencement
3. Definition
4. Amendment provisions
PART 2--Amendment of National Electricity (South Australia) Act 1996 as part of the national scheme
5. Amendment of section 2 of the NEL--Definitions
6. Amendment of the NEL--New sections 2A to 2F inserted
7. Amendment of section 6 of the NEL--Ministers of participating jurisdictions
8. Amendment of the NEL--Section 7 substituted and new section 7A inserted
9. Amendment of section 8 of the NEL--MCE statements of policy principles
10. Amendment of the NEL--New Division heading inserted into Part 2
11. Amendment of section 11 of the NEL--Electricity market activities in this jurisdiction
12. Amendment of the NEL--New Division 2 inserted into Part 2
Division 2--Regulated network service providers
13. Amendment of section 15 of the NEL--Functions and powers of AER
14. Amendment of the NEL--New section 16 substituted
15. Amendment of the NEL--New section 18 substituted
16. Amendment of the NEL--New heading to Division 2 of Part 3
17. Amendment of section 19 of the NEL--Definitions
18. Amendment of the NEL--New section 20 substituted and new sections 20A and 20B inserted
19. Amendment of section 21 of the NEL--Search warrant
20. Amendment of the NEL--deletion and substitution of sections 22 and 23
21. Amendment of section 24 of the NEL--Copies of seized documents
22. Amendment of NEL--New section 25 substituted
23. Amendment of section 26 of the NEL--Extension of period of retention of documents or things seized
24. Amendment of section 27 of the NEL--Obstruction of person authorised to enter
25. Amendment of the NEL--New Divisions 3 to 7 of Part 3 inserted
Division 3--General information gathering powers
Division 4--Regulatory information notices and general regulatory information orders
Subdivision 1--Interpretation
28E Division does not limit operation of information gathering powers under Division 3
Subdivision 2--Serving and making of regulatory information instruments
Subdivision 3--Form and content of regulatory information instruments
Subdivision 4--Compliance with regulatory information instruments
Subdivision 5--General
Division 5--Network service provider performance reports
Division 6--Disclosure of confidential information held by AER
Division 7--Miscellaneous matters
28ZD Use of information provided under a notice under Division 3 or a regulatory information instrument
26. Amendment of the NEL--New section 31 substituted
27. Amendment of section 32 of the NEL--AEMC must have regard to national electricity objective
28. Amendment of section 34 of the NEL--Rule making powers
29. Amendment of the NEL--New sections 35 and 36 substituted
30. Amendment of section 37 of the NEL--Documents etc applied, adopted and incorporated by Rules to be publicly available
31. Amendment of the NEL--deletion of section 40
32. Amendment of section 41 of the NEL--MCE directions
33. Amendment of section 42 of the NEL--Terms of reference
34. Amendment of section 45 of the NEL--Reviews by AEMC
35. Amendment of section 46 of the NEL--AEMC must publish and make available up to date versions of Rules
36. Amendment of section 47 of the NEL--Fees
37. Amendment of section 48 of the NEL--Confidentiality of information
38. Amendment of section 49 of the NEL--Functions of NEMMCO in respect of national electricity market
39. Amendment of the NEL--New Parts 5A and 5B inserted
PART 5A--Functions and powers of Minister of this participating jurisdiction
PART 5B--Functions and powers of Tribunal
40. Amendment of section 58 of the NEL--Definitions
41. Amendment of section 61 of the NEL--Proceedings for breaches of a provision of this Law, the Regulations or the Rules that are not offences
42. Amendment of section 62 of the NEL--Additional Court orders
43. Amendment of section 64 of the NEL--Matters for which there must be regard in determining amount of civil penalty
44. Amendment of the NEL--New Division 2A of Part 6 inserted
Division 2A--Proceedings before, and awards etc of, Dispute resolution panels
45. Amendment of the NEL--New section 71 substituted
46. Amendment of the NEL--New Divisions 3A and 3B of Part 6 inserted
Division 3A--Merits review and other non-judicial review
Subdivision 1--Interpretation
Subdivision 2--Merits review for reviewable regulatory decisions
Subdivision 3--Tribunal review of AER information disclosure decisions under section 28ZB
Subdivision 4--General
Division 3B--Enforcement of access determinations
47. Amendment of section 74 of the NEL--Power to serve a notice
48. Amendment of section 81 of the NEL--Payment expiates breach of civil penalty provision
49. Amendment of the NEL--Deletion of section 84
50. Amendment of section 85 of the NEL--Offences and breaches by corporations
51. Amendment of section 86 of the NEL--Proceedings for breaches of certain provisions in relation to actions of officers and employees of relevant participants
52. Amendment of the NEL--New Subdivision heading inserted into Division 1 of
53. Amendment of section 87 of the NEL--Definitions
54. Amendment of the NEL--New Subdivision 2 of Division 1 of Part 7 inserted
55. Amendment of the NEL--New heading to Division 2 of Part 7
56. Amendment of the NEL--New section 90A inserted
57. Amendment of section 91 of the NEL--Initiation of making of a Rule
58. Amendment of the NEL--New sections 91A and 91B inserted
59. Amendment of section 92 of the NEL--Contents of requests for Rules
60. Amendment of the NEL--New section 92A inserted
61. Amendment of the NEL--New sections 93 and 94 substituted and new section 94A inserted
62. Amendment of section 95 of the NEL--Notice of proposed Rule
63. Amendment of section 96 of the NEL--Publication of non-controversial or urgent final Rule determination
64. Amendment of the NEL--New section 96A inserted
65. Amendment of section 99 of the NEL--Draft Rule determinations
66. Amendment of section 101 of the NEL--Pre-final Rule determination hearings
67. Amendment of section 102 of the NEL--Final Rule determinations
68. Amendment of the NEL--New section 102A inserted
69. Amendment of section 107 of the NEL--Extensions of periods of time in Rule making procedure
70. Amendment of the NEL--New section 107A inserted
71. Amendment of section 108 of the NEL--AEMC may publish written submissions and comments unless confidential
72. Amendment of the NEL--New section 108A inserted
73. Amendment of section 119 of the NEL--Immunity of NEMMCO and network service providers
74. Amendment of section 120 of the NEL--Immunity in relation to failure to supply electricity
75. Amendment of section of the NEL--New section 122 and new parts 10 and 11 inserted
PART 10--Access Disputes
Division 1--Interpretation and application
Division 2--Notification of access dispute
Division 3--Access determinations
Division 4--Variation of access determinations
Division 5--Compliance with access determinations
Division 6--Access dispute hearing procedure
Division 7--Joint access dispute hearings
Division 8--Miscellaneous matters
PART 11--General
76. Amendment of Schedule 1 to the NEL
77. Amendment of Schedule 2 to the NEL--Clause 1
78. Amendment of Schedule 2 to the NEL--Clause 2
79. Amendment of Schedule 2 to the NEL--Clause 4
80. Amendment of Schedule 2 to the NEL--Clause 8
81. Amendment of Schedule 2 to the NEL--Clause 10
82. Amendment of Schedule 2 to the NEL--New Parts 6A and 6B of Schedule 2 inserted
PART 6A--Evidentiary matters
Division 1--Publication on websites
Division 2--Evidentiary certificates
PART 6B--Commencement of this Law and Statutory instruments
83. Amendment of Schedule 2 to the NEL--Clause 39
84. Amendment of Schedule 2 to the NEL--Clause 41
85. Amendment of Schedule 2 to the NEL--Clause 42
86. Amendment of Schedule 3 to the NEL--Clause 1
87. Amendment of Schedule 3 to the NEL--New clause 4A inserted
88. Amendment of Schedule 3 to the NEL--New clauses 10A and 10B inserted
89. Amendment of Schedule 3 to the NEL--New clause 18 inserted
PART 3--Amendment of National Electricity (South Australia) Act 1996 to make consequential amendments
90. Amendment of section 12--Specific regulation-making power
91. Insertion of section 15
PART 4--Amendment of National Electricity (South Australia) Act 1996 to address local issues
92. Insertion of
PART 6--Transfer of economic regulation of electricity distribution to AER--local provisions
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