8—Amendment of section 43G—Establishment of co-management boards by regulation
(1) Section 43G(1)—delete "a co-managed park" and substitute:
1 or more co-managed parks
(2) Section 43G(2)(a)—delete "the co-managed park" and substitute:
each co-managed park to be under the control and management of the board
(3) Section 43G(4)—delete subsection (4) and substitute:
(4) If a co-management board has been established but appointments of members to the board, at any time, are not sufficient for the board to constitute a quorum at a meeting of the Board, the Director has the functions and powers of the board, subject to the regulations, until the relevant appointments are made.
(5) If a regulation establishing a co-management board for a co-managed park is disallowed by either House of Parliament—
(a) the Director will have the functions and powers of the board until a new board is established for the park; and
(b) the assets and liabilities of the board will be dealt with in accordance with the directions of the Minister.