6—Variation of section 104—Liability for levy
Section 104(1)—delete subsection (1) and substitute:
(1) A person
holds a water licence at any time during a financial year in respect of which
a levy for the right to take water has been declared is, subject to
subsection (8), liable to pay to the Minister the full amount of the levy
whether he or she holds the licence throughout the year or not; or
holds a right to an allocation of water under the terms of an Interstate Water
Entitlements Transfer Scheme at any time during a financial year in respect of
which a levy for the right to take water has been declared is liable to pay
the full amount of the levy whether he or she holds the right throughout the
year or not.
Section 104(4)(a)—after subparagraph (ii) insert:
(iia) if
a right to an allocation of the water arises under the terms of an Interstate
Water Entitlements Transfer Scheme and the right was not in existence at the
commencement of the financial year to which the levy relates but arose after
that commencement—at the time when the right to the allocation arose
under the terms of that scheme; or
(3) Section
104(9)—after "the licence" insert:
or the terms of the Interstate Water Entitlements Transfer Scheme