6—Amendment of section 7—Modification of State law
(1) Section 7(2)(a)—delete paragraph (a) and substitute:
(a) the following Acts are to be construed subject to the provisions of the Indenture:
(i) the Crown Land Management Act 2009 ;
(ii) the Development Act 1993 ;
(iii) the Electricity Act 1996 ;
(iv) the Environment Protection Act 1993 ;
(v) the Harbors and Navigation Act 1993 ;
(vi) the Local Government Act 1934 ;
(vii) the Local Government Act 1999 ;
(viii) the Local Government (Elections) Act 1999 ;
(ix) the Maritime Services (Access) Act 2000 ;
(x) the Mining Act 1971 ;
(xi) the Motor Vehicles Act 1959 ;
(xii) the Native Vegetation Act 1991 ;
(xiii) the Natural Resources Management Act 2004 ;
(xiv) the Pastoral Land Management and Conservation Act 1989 ;
(xv) the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Act 2000 ;
(xvi) the Railways (Operations and Access) Act 1997 ;
(xvii) the Real Property Act 1886 ;
(xviii) the Residential Tenancies Act 1995 ;
(xix) the Road Traffic Act 1961 ;
(xx) the Stamp Duties Act 1923 ;
(xxi) the Waterworks Act 1932 ,
and, to the extent of any inconsistency between the provisions of those laws and of the Indenture, the provisions of the Indenture prevail; and
(2) Section 7(2)(d)—delete paragraph (d) and substitute:
(d) the Crown Land Management Act 2009 is to be construed as conferring on the Governor sufficient power to make the grants of land, and to grant the leases, licences, easements and rights of way, contemplated by the Indenture; and
(3) Section 7(2)(e)—delete "a Special Exploration Licence or"
(4) Section 7(2)(e)—after "Special Mining Lease" insert:
, or for the incorporation of land into a Special Mining Lease,
(5) Section 7(2)(f)—delete " Petroleum Act 1940 " and substitute:
Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Act 2000
(6) Section 7(2)(j)—delete paragraph (j)
(7) Section 7(3) and (4)—delete subsections (3) and (4) and substitute:
(3) If an application is made to the Minister under clause 7 of the Indenture for a Project Approval and, if it were not for the provisions of that clause, the right to grant the Project Approval would have been vested in another Minister of the Crown, or in an instrumentality of the Crown subject to control or direction by another Minister of the Crown, the application must not be granted unless that other Minister has been consulted and agrees to the granting of the application.
(4) A Project Approval under clause 7 or 7A of the Indenture will be taken to have been duly granted under and in pursuance of the Act or law under which provision is made for the permit, consent, approval, authorisation, permission or determination (however described) that constitutes the Project Approval.
(8) Section 7(5)—delete "Joint Venturers" and substitute:
(9) Section 7(5)—after "clause 7" insert:
or 7A