85—Substitution of section 4
Section 4—delete the section and substitute:
(1) In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears—
"authorised officer"—see Part 4;
"Board" means the Board established as the governing authority of the State Opera under section 7;
"employing authority" means the person designated by proclamation as being the employing authority for the purposes of this definition;
"member" means member of the Board;
"occupy", in relation to premises, means have, or be entitled to, possession or control of the premises;
"official insignia"—see Part 5;
"premises of the State Opera" means premises owned or occupied by the State Opera;
"promote", in relation to an event or activity, includes organise, commission, fund, support, market, advertise or act as project manager;
"State Opera" means the State Opera of South Australia established under section 3.
(2) A proclamation made for the purposes of the definition of "employing authority"—
(a) may apply by reference to a specified person, or by reference to the person for the time being holding or acting in a specified office or position; and
(b) may, from time to time as the Governor thinks fit, be varied or substituted by a new proclamation.