18—Establishment of reference groups
(1) The Minister must
(a) a
reference group to advise the Commission in relation to the performance of the
functions assigned to the Commission under Parts 3 and 4; and
(b) a
reference group to advise the Commission in relation to the performance of its
functions relating to adult community education.
(2) The Minister may
establish other reference groups as the Minister considers necessary to advise
the Commission in relation to the carrying out of its functions or particular
matters relating to its functions.
(3) A reference group
will consist of not more than 5 members appointed by the Minister, of
(a) one
(who will chair meetings of the reference group) will be a member of the
Commission; and
(b) the
remainder (who may but need not be members of the Commission) must include
persons who together have, in the Minister's opinion, the abilities and
experience required for the effective performance of the reference group's
(4) Members of a
reference group will hold office on such terms and conditions as the Minister
thinks fit.
(5) Subject to this
Act, a reference group may determine its own procedures.
(6) A reference group
must submit to the Commission for inclusion in each annual report of the
Commission a report on its operations (if any) during the year to which the
report relates.