19—Establishment of Grievances and Disputes Mediation Committee
(1) The
Grievances and Disputes Mediation Committee is established as a committee of
the Commission.
(2) The
Grievances and Disputes Mediation Committee has the functions assigned to the
Committee under Parts 3 and 4.
(3) The Minister must
appoint a member of the Commission to chair meetings of the
Grievances and Disputes Mediation Committee (and that member will preside at
meetings of the Committee).
(4) The
Grievances and Disputes Mediation Committee will be constituted of the member
appointed to chair meetings of the Committee and at least 2 but not more than
4 other persons selected in accordance with Schedule 1.
(5) Each person
present at a meeting of the Grievances and Disputes Mediation Committee has
one vote on any question arising for decision and, if the votes are equal, the
member presiding at the meeting may exercise a casting vote.
(6) The
Grievances and Disputes Mediation Committee is not subject to control or
direction by the Commission and, subject to subsection (7), the
Commission has no power to overrule or otherwise interfere with a decision or
order of the Committee under Part 4.
(7) If the Commission,
acting at the direction of the Minister, requests the
Grievances and Disputes Mediation Committee to review a decision or order of
the Committee under Part 4, the Committee must review the decision or order
and may, on the review—
confirm, vary or revoke the decision or order subject to the review; or
(b) make
any other decision or order in substitution for the decision or order.
(8) The
Grievances and Disputes Mediation Committee may, at any one time, be
separately constituted in accordance with this section and Schedule 1 for the
performance of its functions in relation to a number of separate matters.
(9) Subject to this
Act, the Grievances and Disputes Mediation Committee may determine its own