55—Duty to give Minister notice of sales of radioactive material
A person who carries on a business to which this Subdivision applies must—
(a) within 3 months of first notifying the Minister in accordance with regulation 47
; and
(b) thereafter at intervals of not longer than 3 months,
give the Minister notice in writing containing—
(c) details of all sales of radioactive material made by the person during the preceding 3 months or since the last notice given by the person in accordance with this regulation; and
(d) in respect of each sale—
(i) the name and address of the person to whom the sale was made; and
(ii) the radionuclides sold and total activity of each radionuclide sold; and
(iii) if the device sold is a sealed radioactive source larger than 50 MBq—the activity of each such sealed radioactive source sold; and
(iv) for each radionuclide sold, the total activity of each such radionuclide supplied in unsealed form.
Maximum penalty: $10 000.
Expiation fee: $500.