60—Registered occupier of premises in which unsealed radioactive material is kept or handled to maintain register of unsealed radioactive materials
(1) The registered occupier of premises in which an unsealed radioactive material is kept or handled must—
(a) maintain a register of unsealed radioactive materials; and
(b) within 24 hours after each unsealed radioactive material kept or handled at the premises is first taken onto the premises, enter in the register an entry containing—
(i) the radionuclide contained in the material; and
(ii) the activity or nominal activity; and
(iii) the date to which the activity refers; and
(iv) the name of the person in whose care the material has been placed; and
(v) the date upon which the material was first taken onto the premises.
Maximum penalty: $10 000.
Expiation fee: $500.
(2) Subregulation (1)
does not apply in relation to premises in respect of which a radiation management licence authorising activities of a kind referred to in section 18(1) or 19(1) of the Act applies.