61—Person in possession of sealed radioactive source to maintain register of sealed radioactive sources
A person in possession of a sealed radioactive source (whether or not registered by the Minister under the Act) must—
(a) maintain a register of sealed radioactive sources; and
(b) within 24 hours of taking possession of a sealed radioactive source, enter in the register the following information in respect of the source:
(i) the name of the manufacturer of the source;
(ii) the manufacturer's model or type number for the source;
(iii) the serial number of the source;
(iv) the radionuclide enclosed in the source;
(v) if it is a non-fissile neutron source—the target element;
(vi) the activity or nominal activity of the radionuclide in the source;
(vii) the date to which the activity of the radionuclide in the source refers;
(viii) if the source is incorporated or mounted in an instrument or other equipment—sufficient information to identify the instrument or other equipment, including—
(A) its manufacturer; and
(B) its model; and
(C) its serial number; and
(D) its date of manufacture; and
(E) the place where it is located (in the case of an instrument or other equipment installed in a fixed position) or the location where it is usually stored (in the case of an instrument or other equipment not so installed);
(ix) the name of the person in whose care the source has been placed;
(x) the date on which the person took possession of the source.
Maximum penalty: $10 000.
Expiation fee: $500.