This legislation has been repealed.
• Please note—References in the legislation to other
legislation or instruments or to titles of bodies or offices are not
automatically updated as part of the program for the revision and publication of
legislation and therefore may be obsolete.
• Earlier versions of this Act (historical versions) are listed at
the end of the legislative history.
• For further information relating to the Act and subordinate
legislation made under the Act see the Index of South Australian Statutes or
Repeal of Act
The Trade Measurement Act 1993 was repealed by s 5 of the
Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Trade Measurement) Act 2009 on
Principal Act and amendments
Year |
No |
Title |
Assent |
Commencement |
1993 |
42 |
20.5.1993 |
1.10.1993 (Gazette 30.9.1993 p1554) |
1995 |
82 |
Statutes Repeal and Amendment (Commercial Tribunal)
Act 1995 |
30.11.1995 |
Pt 6—10.3.1997 (Gazette 6.3.1997 p1114) |
1996 |
34 |
Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Common Expiation Scheme)
Act 1996 |
2.5.1996 |
Sch (cl 38)—3.2.1997 (Gazette 19.12.1996 p1923) |
2001 |
48 |
Trade Measurement (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2001 |
11.10.2001 |
1.11.2001 (Gazette 25.10.2001 p4687) |
Provisions amended
Entries that relate to provisions that have been deleted appear in
Provision |
How varied |
Commencement |
Pt 1 |
s 2 |
omitted under Legislation Revision and Publication
Act 2002 |
inserted by 48/2001 s 3(a) |
1.11.2001 |
substituted by 48/2001 s 3(b) |
1.11.2001 |
s 3(2) and (3) |
deleted by 48/2001 s 3(c) |
1.11.2001 |
inserted by 48/2001 s 4 |
1.11.2001 |
Pt 2 |
s 7(1) and (2) |
amended by 34/1996 s 4 (Sch cl 38) |
3.2.1997 |
amended by 48/2001 s 19 |
1.11.2001 |
s 7(3) and (4) |
substituted by 48/2001 s 5 |
1.11.2001 |
s 7(5) and (6) |
inserted by 48/2001 s 5 |
1.11.2001 |
inserted by 48/2001 s 6 |
1.11.2001 |
amended by 34/1996 s 4 (Sch cl 38) |
3.2.1997 |
1.11.2001 |
amended by 48/2001 s 19 |
1.11.2001 |
s 8(3) and (4) |
substituted by 48/2001 s 7(b) |
1.11.2001 |
s 8(5) and (6) |
inserted by 48/2001 s 7(b) |
1.11.2001 |
amended by 48/2001 s 8 |
1.11.2001 |
amended by 48/2001 s 19 |
1.11.2001 |
Pt 3 |
substituted by 48/2001 s 9(a) |
1.11.2001 |
amended by 48/2001 s 9(b) |
1.11.2001 |
amended by 48/2001 s 19 |
1.11.2001 |
amended by 48/2001 s 19 |
1.11.2001 |
amended by 48/2001 s 19 |
1.11.2001 |
amended by 48/2001 s 19 |
1.11.2001 |
Pt 4 |
amended by 48/2001 s 19 |
1.11.2001 |
1.11.2001 |
amended by 48/2001 s 19 |
1.11.2001 |
s 25(1) and (3) |
amended by 48/2001 s 19 |
1.11.2001 |
amended by 48/2001 s 19 |
1.11.2001 |
Pt 5 |
s 28(1) and (2) |
amended by 34/1996 s 4 (Sch cl 38) |
3.2.1997 |
amended by 48/2001 s 19 |
1.11.2001 |
amended by 34/1996 s 4 (Sch cl 38) |
3.2.1997 |
amended by 48/2001 s 19 |
1.11.2001 |
amended by 34/1996 s 4 (Sch cl 38) |
3.2.1997 |
1.11.2001 |
amended by 34/1996 s 4 (Sch cl 38) |
3.2.1997 |
amended by 48/2001 s 19 |
1.11.2001 |
Pt 6 |
substituted by 48/2001 s 12 |
1.11.2001 |
amended by 48/2001 s 19 |
1.11.2001 |
s 44(2) and (3) |
substituted by 48/2001 s 13 |
1.11.2001 |
inserted by 48/2001 s 13 |
1.11.2001 |
amended by 82/1995 s 31 |
10.3.1997 |
amended by 82/1995 s 32 |
10.3.1997 |
Pt 7 |
amended by 48/2001 s 14 |
1.11.2001 |
1.11.2001 |
inserted by 48/2001 s 15 |
1.11.2001 |
amended by 48/2001 s 16(a) |
1.11.2001 |
inserted by 48/2001 s 16(b) |
1.11.2001 |
amended by 48/2001 s 19 |
1.11.2001 |
Pt 8 |
amended by 48/2001 s 19 |
1.11.2001 |
s 76(1)—(3) |
amended by 48/2001 s 17(a) |
1.11.2001 |
substituted by 48/2001 s 17(b) |
1.11.2001 |
s 76(5) and (6) |
inserted by 48/2001 s 17(b) |
1.11.2001 |
amended by 48/2001 s 18 |
1.11.2001 |
inserted by 34/1996 s 4 (Sch cl 38) |
3.2.1997 |
Transitional etc provisions associated with Act or
Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Common Expiation
Scheme) Act 1996
An Act repealed or amended by this Act will continue to apply (as in force
immediately prior to the repeal or amendment coming into operation) to an
expiation notice issued under the repealed or amended Act.
Historical versions
Reprint No 1—3.2.1997 |
Reprint No 2—10.3.1997 |