This legislation has been repealed.
65—Entry onto land of the Corporation
(1) A person who
enters onto, or remains on, land owned or occupied by the Corporation or that
is under the care, control and management of the Corporation without being
authorised to do so by the Corporation is guilty of an offence.
Maximum penalty: $2 500.
Expiation fee: $315.
(2) Without limiting
the manner in which the Corporation may authorise a person to enter and remain
on land, the Corporation may authorise members of the public to enter and
remain on its land by notice published in the Gazette.
(3) A notice referred
to in subsection (2)
may be varied or revoked by the Corporation by subsequent notice published in
the Gazette.
(4) An authorisation
under this section is subject to conditions imposed—
(a) by
this section; or
(b) by
regulation; or
(c) by
including them in a notice published in the Gazette under subsection (2)
or in any other form of authorisation given by the Corporation; or
(d) by
direction of a person under subsection (5)
; or
(e) by
two or more of those methods.
(5) A person acting
with the authority of the Corporation (whether an employee of the Corporation
or not) may give directions to persons on, or about to enter, land referred to
in subsection (1)
in relation to their entry, or their right to remain on, the land.
(6) A direction given
to a person under subsection (5)
is a condition of that person's authorisation to enter and remain on the land.
(7) It is a condition
of an authorisation under this section (except in the case of a person who has
been exempted from this condition by the Corporation) that a person who is on
land referred to in subsection (1)
(a) must
carry with him or her identification that shows his or her name and his or her
current residential address; and
(b) must
present the identification to a person who is entitled to give directions
under subsection (5)
when requested to do so.
(8) A person must not
give directions under subsection (5)
or make a request under subsection (7)(b)
unless he or she—
carries identification issued by the Corporation that states that he or she is
authorised to act under this section; and
presents, or makes a genuine attempt to present, the identification to a
person for inspection when giving a direction to the person under subsection (5)
or when requesting to see the person's identification under subsection (7)
(9) A person who
contravenes or fails to comply with a condition to which an authorisation is
subject is guilty of an offence.
Maximum penalty: $2 500.
Expiation fee: $315.