(1) In this section personal information , in relation to a person, means information (a) that identifies a person or discloses his or her address or location; or(b) from which a person's identity, address or location can reasonably be identified;record means a record of the investigation of a historical offence or of proceedings relating to a historical offence.(2) If a record is obtained by the Secretary in relation to an application, the Secretary must, as soon as reasonably practicable, but not later than 42 days, after obtaining the record (a) give the applicant a copy of the record, except so far as it contains personal information relating to any person other than the eligible person; and(b) give written notice to the applicant that the Secretary will not proceed to determine the application until at least 28 days, or any longer period that the Secretary determines in consultation with the applicant, after the day on which the applicant is given a copy of the record.