(1) An appeal from a judge, whether sitting in Court as a court or in chambers, to a Full Court is to be (a) by way of rehearing; and(b) brought by notice of appeal in a summary way.(2) A notice of appeal and any subsequent proceeding on an appeal from a judge under this Division is to be entitled (a) "In the Supreme Court of Tasmania, On appeal to the Full Court"; and(b) as between the appellant and the respondent.(3) An appellant may appeal against the whole or any part of a judgment by a notice of appeal.(4) The notice of appeal is to state (a) the part of the judgment that is being appealed; and(b) specifically and concisely the grounds of appeal; and(c) what judgment is sought.(5) Notice of appeal is to be given for an ordinary sitting of the Full Court to be held on a date to be fixed by the Principal Registrar.