(1) A rail transport operator must ensure that the following are available for inspection at a place and time determined in accordance with subsection (2) :(a) if the operator is an accredited person or has an exemption under this Part, the current notice of accreditation or exemption under this Part;(b) if the operator is a rail infrastructure manager of a private siding registered with the Rail Safety Regulator, the notice of registration;(c) any other document prescribed for the purposes of this section.Penalty: In the case of (a) a body corporate, a fine not exceeding 20 penalty units; or(b) an individual, a fine not exceeding 4 penalty units.(2) For the purposes of subsection (1) , the notice or document is to be available for inspection (a) if the operator is a body corporate, at the operator's registered office during ordinary business hours; or(b) if the operator is not a body corporate (i) at the operator's principal place of business during ordinary business hours; or(ii) if the Rail Safety Regulator approves another place and time, at that place and time.