(1) A rail transport operator must give the Rail Safety Regulator a safety performance report in respect of each reporting period that (a) is in a form approved by the Rail Safety Regulator; and(b) complies with the requirements (if any) prescribed for the purposes of this section; and(c) contains (i) a description and assessment of the safety performance of the rail transport operator's railway operations; and(ii) comments on any deficiencies in, and any irregularities in, the railway operations that may be relevant to the safety of the railway; and(iii) a description of any safety initiatives in relation to the railway operations undertaken during the reporting period or proposed to be undertaken in the next reporting period; and(iv) any other information or performance indicators prescribed for the purpose of this section.(2) A rail transport operator must submit a report in accordance with this section within 6 months after the end of each reporting period.Penalty: In the case of (a) a body corporate, a fine not exceeding 500 penalty units; or(b) an individual, a fine not exceeding 100 penalty units.(3) In this section reporting period means (a) a calendar year; or(b) another period agreed from time to time by the Rail Safety Regulator and the rail transport operator.