(1) Each NEPT vehicle of an NEPT Service must comply with, at a minimum, the following requirements:(a) that all stretchers, seats and restraints within the vehicle are (i) positioned in the vehicle to enable safe assessment or observation of, and interaction with, patients being transported in the vehicle; and(ii) installed and maintained in accordance with each relevant AS/NZS standard, as amended or substituted from time to time;(b) that the patient being transported in the vehicle is transported in a way that allows them to be (i) lawfully transported; and(ii) visually monitored at all times by a crew member;(c) that the vehicle is fitted with facilities that allow the vehicle to be heated and cooled as appropriate in the circumstances;(d) that the vehicle is fitted with interior lighting which may be adjusted from the patient compartment;(e) that the interior of the vehicle is able to be easily cleaned to the standard required to maintain infection control in accordance with (i) the infection prevention and control management plan, established for the Service; and(ii) the infection control guidelines.(2) In addition to the requirements specified in subregulation (1) , each NEPT vehicle that is a motor vehicle must, at a minimum, have all external windows, through which a patient in the NEPT vehicle may be seen, tinted to a degree that maintains patient privacy while still complying with the Vehicle Standards .(3) Nothing in this regulation lowers, or removes, a standard or requirement in place in respect of an NEPT vehicle under the Act, any other Act or an authorisation.