(1) In this regulation training areas , in relation to a crew member of an NEPT Service, includes the following areas:(a) first aid, including basic life support;(b) recognition of the clinical signs of deterioration and processes for the escalation of care based on current evidence-based practice;(c) infection prevention and control, including standard and transmission-based precautions (especially hand hygiene);(d) occupational health and safety, including manual handling procedures for people and equipment;(e) operation of all equipment, used to provide non-emergency patient transport services by the Service, in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions for the equipment;(f) any other area specified in the relevant NEPT licence as a training area.(2) The licensee of an NEPT Service must ensure that each crew member is provided with, and completes, training in the training areas before the crew member provides non-emergency patient transport services on behalf of the Service.(3) In addition to any training provided in accordance with subregulation (2) , the licensee of an NEPT Service must ensure that, at least once in every 12-month period, each crew member of the Service is provided, at a minimum, with training in the training areas that are relevant to the scope of practice of the crew member.(4) Nothing in this regulation lowers, or removes, a standard, requirement or obligation in place in respect of the training of crew members under the Act or any other Act.
Subdivision 3 - Vehicles and equipment