(1) In this regulation AS 3846 means Australian Standard AS 3846 The Handling and Transport of Dangerous Cargoes in Port Areas, as from time to time amended;port explosives limit means (a) for a class 1.1, 1.2, 1.5 or 1.6 explosive, 200 kilograms or a lesser quantity, if any, that the relevant port authority may have set; and(b) for a class 1.3 explosive, 2 000 kilograms or a lesser quantity, if any, set by the relevant port authority; and(c) for a class 1.4 explosive, the quantity, if any, set by the relevant port authority;recognised port means a port defined in regulation 5 of the Marine and Safety (Pilotage and Navigation) Regulations 2007 .(2) A person importing or exporting explosives in any form (including fireworks) by sea must ensure that (a) the explosives are imported or exported only through a recognised port; and(b) the explosives are handled in accordance with AS 3846.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 50 penalty units.(3) The port authority for a recognised port must ensure that (a) any explosives imported or exported through the port are handled in accordance with AS 3846; and(b) the total quantity of explosives within the precincts of the port does not at any time exceed (i) the port explosives limit; or(ii) the higher limit, if any, that the Secretary, after consulting the port authority, may have approved.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 50 penalty units.(4) To determine whether to give an approval under subregulation (3)(b)(ii) , the Secretary may require from the port authority a report that (a) identifies and assesses the risks, if any, of approving the higher limit; and(b) indicates how those risks can be most effectively and prudently managed and, if possible, mitigated; and(c) contains such technical data, expert evaluations and other material as the Secretary, by the requirement, may specify.