Regulation 56 of the Principal Regulations is amended as follows:(a) by inserting in subregulation (1)(a) "or an authorised optometrist" after "surgeon" ;(b) by omitting subparagraph (iii) of paragraph (c) of subregulation (1) and substituting the following subparagraphs:(iii) by a veterinary surgeon so acting for the purposes of animal treatment; or(iv) by an authorised optometrist so acting for the purposes of optometrical treatment
Displayed and numbered in accordance with the Rules Publication Act 1953 .
Notified in the Gazette on 15 May 2002
These regulations are administered in the Department of Health and Human Services.
(This note is not part of the regulation)
These regulations amend the Poisons Regulations 1975 to prescribe circumstances in which optometrists may issue prescriptions for, and administer and supply, poisons and restricted substances.