(1) Before withdrawing the acceptance of a pipeline management plan in force for a pipeline, the Minister must comply with subregulations (2) , (4) and (5) .(2) The Minister must give the pipeline licensee at least one months written notice of the Ministers intention to withdraw acceptance of the plan.(3) The Minister may give a copy of the notice to such other persons, if any, as the Minister thinks fit.(4) The Minister must specify in the notice a date, the "cut-off date" , on or before which the pipeline licensee, or any other person to whom a copy of the notice has been given, may submit to the Minister, in writing, any matters for the Minister to take into account.(5) The Minister must take into account (a) any action taken by the pipeline licensee to remove the ground for withdrawal of acceptance, or to prevent the recurrence of that ground; and(b) any matter submitted to the Minister before the cut-off date by the pipeline licensee or a person to whom a copy of the notice has been given.