(1) In this section—
"relevant period" means the period starting on 1 July 2014 and ending on the day that section 38 of the Justice Legislation Amendment Act 2015 comes into operation.
(2) The transport of a person, and detention of that person while being transported, during the relevant period from a court or police gaol to a court, police gaol or a designated mental health service and the exercise of any function or power related to that transport and detention have, and are taken always to have had, the same force and effect as they would have had if section 9AA(1)(b)(iii) as amended by section 38 of the Justice Legislation Amendment Act 2015 were in force during the relevant period.
(3) An instrument of authorisation referred to in
section 9A(1B) made or purported to have been made by the Chief
Commissioner during the relevant period has, and is taken always to have
had, the same force and effect as it would have had if section 9AA(1)(b)(iii)
as amended by section 38 of the Justice Legislation Amendment Act 2015
were in force during the relevant period.
Pt 10B (Headings and ss 112E–112V) inserted by No. 11/2020 s. 26, amended by Nos 53/2021 s. 25, 27/2020 s. 20, 11/2021 s. 202, repealed by No. 117/1986 s. 112V (as amended by Nos 27/2020 s. 20, 11/2021 s. 202).
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Part 11—Transitional provisions