(1) In this section—
"commencement day" means the day on which Part 2 of the Sustainable Forests (Timber) Repeal Act 2024 comes into operation.
(2) On the commencement day, the determination under section 6 of the Sustainable Forests (Timber) Act 2004 published in the Government Gazette on 21 June 2007 is taken to be a determination under section 40A.
(3) For the purposes of subsection (2), as soon as practicable after the commencement day, the Minister must—
(a) publish in the Government Gazette—
(i) a copy of the determination; and
(ii) a notice that a determination is taken to have been made under section 40A; and
(b) publish in a newspaper circulating generally within the State, a notice that a determination is taken to have been made under section 40A.
(4) On the commencement day, a report under
section 8 of the Sustainable Forests (Timber) Act 2004 relating to the
year 2023 is taken to be a report under section 40C relating to the same year.