S. 8A(1) amended by Nos 47/2000 s. 8(a), 53/2007 s. 8(1).
(1) A person must not—
(a) bring body armour into Victoria; or
(b) cause body armour to be brought or sent into Victoria; or
(c) manufacture, sell or purchase body armour; or
(d) possess or use body armour—
without an exemption under section 8B or an approval under section 8C.
Penalty: 240 penalty units or imprisonment for 2 years.
S. 8A(2) repealed by No. 47/2000 s. 8(b), new s. 8A(2) inserted by No. 53/2007 s. 8(2).
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to an employee of a person who holds an approval under section 8C if the employee is acting in the course of his or her employment and in accordance with the approval.
S. 8A(3)–(9) repealed by No. 47/2000 s. 8(b).
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S. 8B
inserted by No. 47/2000 s. 9, amended by No. 78/2005 s. 67(ILA
s. 39B(1)).