An application for the re-registration of a registered political party must—
(a) be in writing, signed by the secretary of the registered political party; and
(b) set out the name of the registered political party; and
(c) set out the name and address of the person who is to be the registered officer of the registered political party for the purposes of this Act; and
(d) be accompanied by a copy of the constitution (however described) of the registered political party; and
(e) be accompanied by a statutory declaration made by the secretary stating that at least 500 members of the registered political party are—
(i) electors; and
(ii) members in accordance with the rules of the registered political party; and
(iii) not members of another registered political party or of a political party applying for registration; and
(f) be accompanied by a list, in a form determined by the Commission, of the names and addresses of at least 500 members of the registered political party who meet the requirements set out in paragraph (e); and
(g) be accompanied by a fee of 50 fee units.
S. 58C inserted by No. 38/2005 s. 5.