Victorian Current Acts
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1. Purpose and outline of Act
2. Commencement
3. Definitions
3A. Homeless persons
4. Electoral matter
5. Extraterritorial operation of Act
6. Victorian Electoral Commission
7. Constitution of Commission
8. Responsibility and functions of the Commission
9. Powers of the Commission
10. Commission not subject to direction or control
11. Election manual and guidelines
12. The Electoral Commissioner
13. Deputy Electoral Commissioner
14. Suspension from office
15. Other terms and conditions
16. Functions, powers and duties
17. Staff
17A. Application of the Equal Opportunity Act 2010
18. Election managers and election officials
19. Delegations
19A. Mandatory notification of corrupt conduct to IBAC
19B. Consultation prior to notification
19C. Communication of information to the IBAC
19D. Electoral Commissioner not to prejudice investigations of the IBAC
Division 1--Register of electors
20. Arrangement with Commonwealth
21. Register of electors for Victoria
22. Entitlement to enrolment of electors for Assembly and Council
23. Claims for enrolment and notice of change of address
23A. Enrolment by the Commission
24. General postal voters
25. Power to refuse to include inappropriate names on register
26. Information to be supplied to Commission
27. Review of register of electors
28. Register of electors not available for public inspection
Division 2--Electoral rolls
29. Electoral rolls
30. Correction of errors in electoral rolls
31. Request to be silent elector
32. Inspection of list of electors and electoral rolls
Division 3--Enrolment information
33. Provision of enrolment information to political parties, members and candidates
34. Provision of enrolment information to others
35. Report to Parliament
36. Use of enrolment information
37. Prohibition of disclosure or commercial use of enrolment information
Division 4--Enrolment objections and Tribunal reviews
38. Objections to enrolment
39. Notice of objection
40. Answer to objection
41. Determination of objection
42. Review by Tribunal
43. Register of Political Parties
44. Registered officer of a political party
45. Application for registration
46. Political party or logo not to be registered during election
47. Political parties with certain names not to be registered
47A. Certain logos not to be entered in Register of Political Parties
48. Variation of application
49. Publication of notice of application
50. Registration
51. Changes to Register of Political Parties
52. Commission to review registration of political parties
53. Voluntary de-registration
54. De-registration of party not endorsing candidates
55. De-registration of political party on failure to provide information and documents
56. De-registration of political party on other grounds
57. De-registration
58. De-registered political party is ineligible for registration
58A. Registered political party must apply for re‑registration
58B. Application for re-registration
58C. Political party not to be re-registered during election
58D. Re-registration
59. Inspection of Register of Political Parties
60. Review of certain decisions
Division 1--Writs
61. Writs for elections
62. Vacancy occurring by reason of resignation to contest Commonwealth election
63. Issue of writ and days appointed
64. Duties of Commission on receipt of writ
Division 2--Voting centres
65. Appointment of voting centres
66. Use of licensed premises as voting centre
67. Use of prescribed premises as voting centre
Division 3--Nominations and candidates
68. Commission to make particulars of candidates available
69. Nomination of candidates
69A. Grouping of candidates for Council elections
69B. Group voting tickets
70. Rejection of nominations
71. Retirement of candidate
72. Failed election
Division 4--Arrangements for holding elections
73. When election is required
73A. Group voting tickets to be displayed
74. Ballot-papers to be prepared
75. Notification of election
76. Provisions relating to scrutineers
Division 5--How-to-vote cards
77. Submission of how-to-vote cards to the election manager
78. Submission of how-to-vote cards to the Commission
79. Registration process
80. Alterations to registered how-to-vote card to correct error
81. Supply of how-to-vote cards
82. Commission to make how-to-vote cards available
82A. Review of the Commission's decision
Division 6--Electoral matter
83. Printing and publication of electoral advertisements, handbills, pamphlets or notices
83A. Printing and publication of how-to-vote cards
84. Misleading or deceptive matter
85. Heading to electoral advertisements
86. Authors to be identified
Division 1--Entitlement to vote
87. Voting at elections
Division 2--Voting at an election day voting centre
88. Ballot-box to be exhibited before voting
89. Hours of voting
90. Questions to be asked of voter
91. Election official may require voter to make declaration as to identity
92. Elector to receive ballot-paper
93. How votes to be marked by elector in Assembly election
93A. How votes to be marked by elector in Council election
94. Electors requiring assistance
95. Provision for persons unable to write
96. Spoilt ballot-papers
97. Provisions relating to adjournments
97A. Temporary suspension of voting at an election day voting centre
Division 3--Early voting and postal voting
99. Application to vote early
100. Interstate and overseas voting centres
101. Application to vote by post
102. Duty of authorised witness in witnessing signature
104. Issue of declaration and ballot-paper to postal voters
104A. Information to be provided to registered political parties and candidates
105. Issue of declaration and ballot-paper to general postal voters
106. Directions for postal voting
Division 4--Specific provisions
107. Provision of silent elector's address
108. Provisional voting
109. Provisions as to voting by absent voters
110. Elector claiming to vote whose name on roll has been marked
Division 1--Electronic voting
110A. Application of Part 6 to electronic voting
110B. No entitlement to electronic voting
110C. Availability of electronic voting
110D. Who can access electronic voting?
Division 2--Electronic assisted voting
110E. Application of Part 6 to electronic assisted voting
110F. Availability of electronic assisted voting
110G. Who can access electronic assisted voting?
110H. Commission to approve procedures for electronic assisted voting
Division 3--General
110HA. Definition
110HB. Approval of computer program or system for electronic voting and electronic assisted voting
110HC. Security arrangements
110HD. Ballot-papers
110HE. Voting
110I. Offence in relation to electronic voting and electronic assisted voting
110J. Early processing of votes under sections 99 and 106
111. Preliminary scrutiny of declaration votes
112. Rejection of ballot-papers
112A. Certain Council ballot-papers with non-consecutive numbers to be formal
112B. Council ballot-papers deemed to be marked according to group voting tickets
113. Procedure to ascertain number of votes when 2 candidates only for Assembly election
114. Procedure to ascertain the number of votes where more than 2 candidates for Assembly election
114A. Procedure for ascertaining number of votes for Council candidates
115. Use of electronic counting equipment
116. Indicative two candidate preferred distribution of preferences
117. Determination of tied election
118. Adjournment of count of votes
119. Preference distribution for information purposes
120. Recount of ballot-papers before declaration of election
121. Declaration of result
122. Ballot material to be secured and stored
123. Election information
Division 1--Constitution and powers
124. The Court of Disputed Returns
125. Powers of Court
126. Court must act fairly
127. General procedure
128. Legal representation
129. Decisions to be final
130. Costs
131. Other costs
132. Consequences of Court's declarations
Division 2--Disputing validity of election
133. Method of disputing elections
134. Who may dispute an election
135. Requirements of petition
136. Right of Commission to be represented
137. Evidence that person not permitted to vote
138. Inquiries by Court of Disputed Returns
139. Election not to be void unless result affected
140. Voiding election for certain offences
141. Copies of petition and order of Court to be sent to Clerk of Parliaments
142. Deposits applicable for costs
Division 3--Referral of qualification or vacancy
143. Reference of question as to qualification or vacancy
144. Speaker or President to state case
145. Parties to the reference
146. Powers of Court of Disputed Returns
147. Order to be sent to Clerk of the Parliaments
Division 1--Offences
148. False information
149. Forging or uttering electoral papers
150. Voting offences
151. Bribery
152. Interference with political liberty
153. Tampering
153A. Application provision
154. Secrecy of vote
155. Prohibition of publicly disseminating exit poll results during the hours of voting
156. Distribution of printed electoral material
157. Power to request handing over of how-to-vote cards
158. Conduct near voting centres
158A. Exhibit of notice or sign within 100 metres of entrance to voting centre
159. Prohibition of use of public address systems during hours of voting
160. Offence to impersonate
161. Offence by certain persons
Division 2--Enforcement of compulsory voting
162. Commission to prepare list of non-voters
163. Notice to electors who have not voted
164. Replies by or on behalf of electors
165. List to be evidence
166. Offences
167. Power to serve infringement notice
170. Penalties to be paid for offences under infringement notices
Division 3--General enforcement provisions
174. Powers of election manager and election official
175. Institution of proceedings for offences
176. Injunctions
177. Time for certain proceedings to be commenced
177A. Purpose of this Part
177B. Application of provisions relating to elections
177C. Distribution of arguments for and against Bill to electors
177D. Issue of writ
177E. Copy of Bill or statement
177F. Duties of Commission on receipt of writ
177G. Electors who are entitled to vote
177H. Voting to be by ballot
177I. Form of ballot-papers
177J. Rejection of ballot-paper
177K. Declaration of the result
178. Evidentiary provisions
179. Offences by corporations
179A. Criminal liability of officers of bodies corporate—accessorial liability
180. Refunds of deposits
181. Appropriation of money
182. Specified day
183. Supreme Court—limitation of jurisdiction
184. Regulations
185. Repeal
186. Transitional provisions
187. Transitional provision—Statute Law Amendment (Directors' Liability) Act 2013
Division 1--Preliminary
206. Definitions
207. Campaign committee to be treated as registered political party
Division 1A--Register of Agents
207A. Register of Agents
207B. Appointment of agent by a candidate at an election, group or elected member
207C. Agent of associated entity, third party campaigner or nominated entity
207D. Requirements in relation to appointment of agent
207E. When is appointment of agent in effect?
Division 1B--State campaign account
207F. State campaign account
Division 1C--Administrative Expenditure Funding
207G. Definitions
207GA. Entitlement to administrative expenditure funding
207GB. Request to Commission to receive administrative expenditure funding
207GC. Annual return
207GD. Audit of annual return
207GE. Powers of Commission
207GF. Recovery of administrative expenditure funding
207GG. Prohibition on the payment or use of administrative expenditure funding
Division 2--Public Funding
208. Statement of expenditure
209. Audit of statement
210. Powers of Commission
211. Entitlement
212. Making of payments
212A. Instalment payments of public funding entitlement
212B. Special rule for instalment payments of public funding entitlement in relation to 2022 general election
213. Death of a candidate
215. Appropriation
Division 2A--Policy development funding
215A. Policy development funding
215B. Audit of statement
215C. Powers of Commission
215D. Making of payments
Division 3--Disclosure of political donations
216. Disclosure of political donations
217. Commission to publish disclosure return
Division 3A--Prohibited political donations
217A. Political donation from certain sources banned
217B. Anonymous political donation not to be accepted
217C. Forfeiture of political donations accepted in contravention of this Division
Division 3B--General cap on donations
217D. General cap
217E. Aggregation
217F. Limit on political donations to third-party campaigners
217G. Forfeiture of political donations accepted in contravention of this Division
Division 3C--Annual returns and other information
217H. Two or more amounts
217I. Annual return by registered political party
217J. Annual return by associated entities
217K. Annual return by third party campaigners
217L. Annual return by nominated entities
217M. Annual return by registered agent of a candidate, group or elected member
217N. Annual returns not to include lists of membership
217NA. Annual returns in respect of financial year commencing on 1 July 2018
217O. Information to be provided by associated entities and nominated entities
217P. Commission to publish annual returns
Division 3D--Indexation
217Q. Indexation of certain amounts—consumer price index
Division 4--Miscellaneous
218. Offences
218A. Offences in relation to disclosure returns and annual returns
218B. Offence to enter into or carry out scheme
219. Recovery of payments
220. Records to be kept
221. Amendment of statements, donation returns or annual returns
221A. Confidential information
Division 4A--Powers of the Commission
222A. Compliance officers
222B. Power to issue notice
222C. Review of decision to issue notice
222D. Offences in relation to notice issued under section 222B
222DA. Electronic lodgement of disclosure returns and annual returns
222DB. Review to be conducted
222DC. Review to be conducted by expert panel
222E. Register of Nominated Entities
222F. Nomination and eligibility for appointment as nominated entity
222G. Appointment as nominated entity
222H. When does an appointment as a nominated entity take effect?
222I. When does an appointment as a nominated entity cease?
Division 5--Repeals
223. Repeals
Division 19--of Part V and the Sixteenth, Seventeenth and Eighteenth Schedules of The Constitution Act Amendment Act 1958 are repealed.
224. Transitional provision—Local Government Amendment (Improved Governance) Act 2015—Electoral Reform
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