(1) The Minister upon—
(a) receiving a plan of survey signed by the Surveyor-General of a portion of the land comprised in Folio of the Register Volume 3929 Folio 762, Volume 3740 Folio 927 and Volume 2788 Folio 466; and
(b) being satisfied that the land described in the plan of survey corresponds as nearly as practicable with the land shown diagonally hatched on the plan in Part 3 of the Schedule—
may recommend to the Governor in Council that the land shown on the plan of survey be divested from the Public Transport Corporation.
(2) Upon receiving the Minister's recommendation, the Governor in Council may by proclamation published in the Government Gazette revoke Folio of the Register, Volume 3929 Folio 762, Volume 3740 Folio 927 and Volume 2788 Folio 466 in so far as they relate to the land shown on the plan of survey.
(3) Upon the publication of the proclamation in the Government Gazette the land—
(a) divests from the Public Transport Corporation and reverts to the Crown as unalienated Crown land freed and discharged from all trusts, limitations, reservations, restrictions, encumbrances, charges, leases, licences, estates or interests; and
(b) is deemed to be temporarily reserved under section 4(1) of the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 for public purposes, being, in particular, the purposes of the national tennis centre.
(4) The Minister upon—
(a) receiving a plan of survey signed by the Surveyor-General of a portion of the land vested in the Public Transport Corporation by virtue of The Railway Melbourne Lands Exchange Act 1888 ; and
(b) being satisfied that the land described in the plan of survey corresponds as nearly as practicable with the land shown cross-hatched on the plan in Part 3 of the Schedule—
may recommend to the Governor in Council that the land shown on the plan of survey be divested from the Public Transport Corporation.
(5) Upon receiving the Minister's recommendation, the Governor in Council may by proclamation published in the Government Gazette divest the land shown on the plan of survey from the Public Transport Corporation.
(6) Upon publication of the proclamation under subsection (5) in the Government Gazette the land—
(a) divests from the Public Transport Corporation and reverts to the Crown as unalienated Crown land freed and discharged from all trusts, limitations, reservations, restrictions, encumbrances, charges, leases, licences, estates or interests; and
(b) is deemed to be temporarily reserved under section 4(1) of the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 for public purposes, being, in particular, the purposes of the national tennis centre.
S. 25A(7) amended by No. 74/2000 s. 3(Sch. 1 item 79).
(7) Subsection (6) applies despite anything to the contrary in The Railway Melbourne Lands Exchange Act 1888 .
(8) The Minister upon—
(a) receiving a plan of survey signed by the Surveyor-General of a portion of the land in Crown Allotment 4A, Section 19C, County of Bourke; and
(b) being satisfied that the land described in the plan of survey corresponds as nearly as practicable with the land shown horizontally hatched on the plan in Part 3 of the Schedule—
may recommend to the Governor in Council that the land revert to the Crown.
(9) Upon receiving the Minister's recommendation, the Governor in Council may by proclamation published in the Government Gazette provide that the land shown on the plan of survey reverts to the Crown.
(10) Despite anything to the contrary in any other Act or instrument, upon publication of the proclamation under subsection (9) in the Government Gazette the land—
(a) reverts to the Crown as unalienated Crown land freed and discharged from all trusts, limitations, reservations, restrictions, encumbrances, charges, leases, licences, estates or interests; and
(b) is deemed to be temporarily reserved under section 4(1) of the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 for public purposes, being, in particular, the purposes of the national tennis centre.
(11) In this section "Public Transport Corporation" means the Public Transport Corporation established under the Transport Act 1983 .
S. 25B inserted by No. 90/1994 s. 4.