S. 82(1) amended by Nos 78/2011 s. 19, 36/2013 s. 54, 34/2023 s. 127(Sch. 1 item 7.23(a)).
(1) A master of a domestic commercial vessel who is a holder of a certificate of competency may apply to Safe Transport Victoria for the issue of a local knowledge certificate.
(2) An application under subsection (1) must—
S. 82(2)(a) amended by No. 34/2023 s. 127(Sch. 1 item 7.23(a)).
(a) be in the form determined by Safe Transport Victoria; and
(b) be accompanied by—
(i) evidence that the applicant has a certificate of competency for the type or class of vessel that he or she may operate; and
S. 82(2)(b)(ii) amended by No. 34/2023 s. 127(Sch. 1 item 7.23(b)).
(ii) evidence that the applicant has completed any training required by Safe Transport Victoria; and
(iii) evidence that the applicant has suitable qualifications and experience appropriate to the State waters to which the local knowledge certificate will apply; and
(iv) the prescribed fee (if any).
S. 82(3) amended by No. 34/2023 s. 127(Sch. 1 item 7.23(c)).
(a) may require the applicant to provide further information or material in respect of the application; and
(b) may require the information or material to be verified; and
(c) may require proof of the identity of the person making the application.