(1) This section applies in respect of a pipeline (other than a pipeline to which section 208 applies)—
(a) to which a new Act licence applies; and
(b) in respect of which both an approved Construction Safety Plan and an approved Safety and Operating Plan required by regulation 19 of the Pipelines Regulations 2000 exist on the commencement day.
(2) The approved Construction Safety Plan and the approved Safety and Operating Plan are together deemed for the purposes of this Act to be a Safety Management Plan accepted on the commencement day by Energy Safe Victoria under section 128 of this Act in respect of any pipeline operation that relates to the pipeline.
(3) In this section—
"approved Construction Safety Plan" means an approved Construction Safety Plan in accordance with Australian Standard AS 2885.1—1997: Pipelines—Gas and liquid petroleum, Part 1: Design and construction published by Standards Australia as amended from time to time;
"approved Safety and Operating Plan" means an approved Safety and Operating Plan in accordance with Australian Standard AS 2885.3—1997: Pipelines—Gas and liquid petroleum, Part 3: Operation and maintenance published by Standards Australia as amended from time to time.